3; Evxx·L1v1z~:<; Gon, Who marched before you in the journey to choose your encampments, as a fire at night, to show the way you should go, and
34 as e. cloud by day. And the EVER- Lxvmc heard the sound of your words and was angry, and swore, 35 39 43 44 45 'I`his vile generation shall never see the beautiful land which I promised to give to their fathers; only Caleb the son of jefunah shall see it; and I will give to him and his sons the country which he travelled through, for he went up confidently, following tho EVER- The Evmz-mvmo was also angry with me on account of you, You shall not go there! joshua the son of Nun, your lieuten- ant, shall go. Encourage. him, for he shall put Israel into possession. But your infants whom you said would be captured; and your sons who to—day know neither good nor evil, they shall go there and I will give it to them, and they shall possess it. But you, turn back and march to the desert, towards the sea of Sufi ’ Then you were grieved and replied;
‘ We have sinned against the EVER- LIVING l—We will now go up and conquer, according to all that the Evan-Lrvmo Goo commanded! And each one of you put on arms, and went up to the hill. But the Order them, Go not up, and light not, for I am not with you ;-—therefore you will ily before your enemies} So I spoke to you, but you would
not hear, and you rebelled against the order of the EVER-LIVING, and were insolent, and went up tothe Hill,·—-and the Amorites who occupied the Hill advanced against you, and drove you, like bees would do, and routed you like a tempest to the valley. So you returned, and wept before the Evnn-Lxvmo. But the EvER·L1vING would not hear your voice, nor listened. Consequently you were detained at Kadesh for many days. You remained there a. long time; until you turned back and marched to the desert towards the Sea of Suf, as the Evan-Lrvmo commanded me, and wandered about the hills of Sair a long time. At last the EvsR·1.1vmo said to
You have wandered about this hill enough! Turn to the north, and command the People saying to them, ‘ Pass over the borders of your brothers, the sons of Esau, who dwell in Sair. But they will be afraid of you, so carefully guard yourselves. And injure them not; for I will not give you a foot's space of their country, because I have given Mount Sair to Esau as a possession. You must buy food from them with money, and eat it ;_ and also purchase water from them for money, and drink it; for your Evan-Lrvmo Gon has blessed you in every work of your hand, whilst you travelled this great desert these fortyyears; your EvER·Lxv1NG Gob has been with you, and you ’ You consequently passed by your brothers the sons of Esau, who occupy Sair, by theroad of the'Arabah, to Ailath, and Atziarrgaber, where you turned oi and traversed the road of the desert of Moab. There the Even-Lrvme said to
· Do not trouble Moab, but keep yourselves from fighting. Turn, for I have not granted you his country, because I have given»Ar to the sons of Lot as a possession} Then you arose and passed the
Vale of Yared, and at the passage of the Vale of Yared, including the period of the march from Kadesh· Barnea, until the time you crossed the Vale of Yared, was thirty-eight years, until all the generation of fighting men belonging to the camp were dead, as the Even-Lxvmo threatened them. For the hand of the Evan-Lxvmc was against them to destroy them out of the camp until they perished. And when all the fighting men had died from among the People, then the EvnR—1.1vrNo Now cross 16 18
I Vv. xo to :3 are an ancient editor’s note,
not a part of the text of Moses. It was pro- bably added by Ezra, when he edited the Pentateuch, after the return from Babylon, as all the other notes which I consequently transfer to the foot of the pages.--F. F. (The Amim formerly occupled__lt,_ a ro ionand tallli great and numerous nat, , ke nakim; they considered themselves also to be Rephaim like the Anakim,-but the Moabites called them Amim. And the Khorites dweltin Sah: before them but the sons of Esau expelled them, and drove hem hom the aceand occuied it i tpl, pn their stead, as t e children of srael did in the country they seized which the Even-uvmo gave to them.) I72 II I2