Genesis - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 20

The Five Books of Moses

GENESIS. the land of the Philistines. They also Then Abraham said to his attendants, Abraham stretched out his hand, and l Beensheba. planted tamarisk trees by the Well name of the EvER—L1v1NG ETERNAL Abm- and go to the Land of Vision, and

offer him there as a burnt-of{e1·ing upon one of the hills which I will When Abraham woke in the mom-

iug he saddled his ass, and took two youths along with him, and Isaac his and they rose up and went to the place which GOD had told him. Ou the third day, Abraham looked up, and saw the spot some distance off. ‘ Stay here by yourselves, with the Abraham accordingly took the wood for the sacrifice and placed it upon Isaac his son, and took in his own two went together. Isaac then said to Abraham, his

My father,’* and he replied, 'I`here is but where is the lamb for ‘the bumt·offerin‘g P ’ went on together. When they came _ to the place that GOD had commanded him, Abraham built an altar, and his son,_and laid him, upon the altar,


21-29 33 34 ‘What are these seven lambs for, which you have put by themselves ‘ You take these seven lambs from

that they may be an evidence for me that I They accordingly called that place the Well of the Oath} and he entered into a treaty at the Well of the Oath, with both Abimelek and Pikol, the commander of his army. Then they returned to of the Oath, and called there on the GOD. So Abraham remained in the land of the Philistines for many days. W32 drinl uf §lm1l;axu’¤ Bisxitiy. 22 After these events, GOD tried 10 I am here. Take your son, your peculiar one, whom you love——Isaac point out to you. son, and split up wood for a sacrifice; ass, and the lad and I will god and worship, and willthen return to you. hand the tire and the knife, and the will provide a lamb for Himself for a burnt-offering, myson; ’.’ so they arranged the wood, and bound Isaac upon the top of the wood. Then took the knife to slaughter his son; but a Messenger from the Ev1·:R— L1v1NG called to him from the skies, Abraharn! Abraham! I am here. ‘ Stretch not your hand, against the nor do to him what you intended, for now I know that you reverence GGD, and would not withhold from Me your son, your special one. Abraham then looked up and saw

a goat caughtin a bush by its horns. So Abraham went, and took the goat, and offered it as a burnt—off`ering, instead of his son. Abraham there- fore called the name of. that place ]ehovah·Irah.1 Then the messenger of the Evaizmivmo called again to Abraham from the skies, and said to the LORD declares, ‘that because you have done this thing, and not held back your special son, that when blessing I will bless you,. and when increasing I will increase your raceas the stars of the skies, and like the sand upon the sea—shore; and your race shall possess the gates of its enemies; and I will benefit all the nations of the earth through your heir, because you have listened to My voice.' Abraham afterwards returned to

his attendants, and they rose up and went back to the Well of the Oath. After these events a message was

Your sister Milka has given birth to children to Nahor your brother, Uz and his brother Buz, and Kemuel the father of Aram, and Kesed, and Hazo, and Kildash, and·Zid1af, and Bethuel; and Bethuel has produced Rebekka, these eight Milka has borne to Nahor your brother. And his second wife, whose name is Raumah, she also has given birth to Tabakh, and Gaham, and Thahash, and Makah. W32 @2uth uf §urnl3, II I2 16 18 20 21 22

Now the life of Sarah was one 23 hundred and twenty-seven years, the whole of the life of Sarah; and Sarah 2 died in Kiriath—Arba, 2 in the land of Canan ; and Abraham came to mourn and lament for Sarah. lt

is said to this day, In the Hill of the Lonn it are a note of an old copyist, not part of the text of_Moses.—-F. F. is also an ancient explanatory note.-·F. F. Of'!

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0020

The History of the People of Israel