coming to the end of his prayer; that Rebekka, who was the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milka, wife of Nahor, the brother of Abraham, came out with Va bucket upon her shoulder; and th. girl was very beautiful to look upon, ajmaideu-, who hadno sweetg heart, and she ran to the well, iilled her bucket, and drew it up. The steward was delighted, and spoke to her, and said; fl Will you give me a drink of a little of the water from your was her reply, and
she tripped sou, and lowered her bueket to herhand and gave him a drink. When she had given him a drink, she added, ‘fAnd now, I will draw for your camels, that theyjmay Then she ran and carried her bucket to the spring, and dipped ityinto the well to draw, and she drew for all the camels. The tchd her silentl”t»k man waey, f0_0w whether or not the EvER4L‘1v1NG?iad granted prosperity to his »_journeyQ And when she had watered all the camels, then the ma.n·_t00k a. brooch of gold of half a shekel, and placed, on her arms two bracelets of rich
23 golddof a shekel and said, ‘»‘·.My girl, will _. you now ask the menof your father’s house for a place forus to 26 28 lodge in ?l’ - I =a17n the
daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milka, — And she We have plenty of straw andfodder, and room enough for you to lodge} Then the man bowed, and thanked
f Thank theVEv1,2n¤L1vmc; Gon of my master Abraham, Who has not forgotten His goodness and truth to my master; for the EvER—Liv1NG has led me to the house of the brother of myl·master.' And the girl ran, and reported to the house of her mother, as it is here related ; and to Rebekkais brother, whose name was Laban. '1`henLaban rose to go to the man who rested near the well, when hesaw the brooches and the bracelets on the hands of his sister, and heard the words of Rebekka That the. man said this to me,T' he went to therman, whore- mained by thewell with his camels, Come in, you blessed of the LORD. Why do you stand out~ side, when I offer you thehouse, and i Then the. man entered his house, and he unloaded the ‘ camels, and . gave straw and fodder to the camels, and water to wash his feet, and the feet of the young men, who were with him. He also placed food before them. But he replied; ‘,‘jI will not eat until I fh·avedelivered my message. he said. I am the servant-of Abraham;
and the EvER.—L1V1NG has prospered my master very greatly ; and has given to him sheep and- oxen, and silver and gold,,*and men and women servants, caxjnels and asses. Sarah also, my _master’s wife, had a son- to . my rmaster, a._ son in his old age, andhe will giver him all he has. Now ml? master has. pledged me to 1`ake not a wife for my son from the daughters of the Oananites among whom; I' reside in their land.; but go instead, to the home Zof my father, and choose a{wife for my son from among my own family} l I . re- plied to my- master, ‘ Perhaps the woman will not comc with me} Then he said- to me; ‘·The Evan-Lrvmo Who. hascaused meto walk in His presen¢B». will Sénd His Messenger along-with yourand He-will guide you-in your path so as tosecure. a wife for pmyson, from among the cl;i1dr¢n.0f4my own tribe, and from the home of my father. So takeian oath togme that you will go to my tribe,_·and if they will not give to you, you jshall be free fr0m‘ your oath to me}. And I came to-dayto the well, and said, ‘Lo1u>_ the Goo of my master Abraham, if it pleases You, point me to the path that; I should follow; See! I have arrived atthis well of water,1so let it ·be that when a younggirl comes to draw, when I say to her; give me a little water. from your bucket and she answers to_mc, 33 34 35 37 39