Joshua - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 231

The History of the People of Israel

8-33 THE BOOK OF THE PERIOD OF ]OSHUA. 9-21 copy of the Law of Moses, which he wrote for the sons of Israel. 33 Then the army of Israel, and the 34 35 senators, and oliicers, and judges stood on each side of the Ark, next to the priests and Levites, who carried the Ark of the Covenant ofthe LORD, together with the foreigners and natives, on Mount Gherizim, and half on Mount Ebel, as Moses the servant of the EVER-L1v1NG com- manded, to bless the Nation of Israel at the start. After that he read the whole of the Law of Blessing and Cursing, with all that was written in the Book of the Law. There was not a word of all that Moses commanded which Ioshua did not read before all the Parliament of Israel, with the men and children, and the foreigners who marched with them. (ac. 1451.) 311 tbz Qiugs uf Eamm make 2\l1iuurz in Rglyt israel. 9 When all the kings who were beyond the jordan, in the hills, and on the slopes, and- on the shore of the Great Sea opposite Lebanon,~·—·of the Hitites, and the Amorites, the Canan- ites, the Perizites, Hivites, and the

2 jebusites, -—·— heard it, they allied together for war with Joshua and Israel. Wye Qllenple uf ®ihe¤2t make ¤ Ereatg nf §ea:e. The inhabitants of Gibeon, also,

heard what joshua had done to jeriko and Ai, but they acted with cunning, and went and took worn saddles on their asses, and old wine- skins broken and patched, and old patched shoes on their feet, and worn clothes upon them, and all their bread and provisions were monldy. They came thus to joshua in the camp at Gilgal, and said to him and We have come from a distant country, and wish you to make a treaty with us. But the Leader of Israel replied,

‘ Do you reside amongst the Hivites? If so I cannot make a treaty with They, however, answered joshua, ‘ We are your servants} Who are you? and whence do you come? Your servants come from a very distant country to the Name of your EvnR·r.1v1No Gon; for we have heard what He has done, all that He did in Mitzeraim; and all that He did to the two kings of the Amorites who were beyond the ]ordan,—to Sihon king of Hesh~ bon, and to Og king of Bashan, who was in Ashtaroth,—-so all the chiefs and people of our country com· mended us to take provisions for our journey, and go to meet you, and say; ‘We are your servants, there- fore make a treaty with us.’ We consequently prepared new biscuits at our homes on the day we began to travel to you,——and now, see, they are bad and mouldyl And these wine- skins were new when we filled them, and now they are broken l And these clothes and shoes of ours are worn out from the great length of the So they accepted the men from their provisions, and did not enquire of the mouth of the EVER- LIVING. joshua therefore made peace with them, and concluded a treaty to preserve their lives, and the chiefs of the Parliament swore it to them. But at the end of the three days after they had made the treaty with them, they learnt they were neighbours, who resided in the vicinity! For the children of Israel marched and came to their towns on the third day,-the villages of Gibeou Kaphirah, and Baroth, and Kirzath

of the Woods, but the sons of Israel did not strike them, because the Lords of Parliament had sworn to them by the Evsn·r.1v1No Gon of Israel. IO II I2 16 :3

Glye hulrlir rmthemn the §arli¤meut fur the Ereaig with ®ilre¤¤. All the public, however, complained

All we, the Lords of the Parliament, swore to them by the Evan-Lrvme Gon of Israel, so you cannot now injure them.-··Do this, however, and let them live, that there may not be anger upon us because of the oath which T he lords You shall live; but you shall be hewers of wood and drawers of water to all the Parliament, as the lords promised l Egypt.—F. F. GOT 20 2I

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0231

The History of the People of Israel