Joshua - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 247

The History of the People of Israel

24-2 THE BOOK OF THE PERIOD OF _]OSHUA. 24··-22 2 EvER—L1v1NG. Then joshua again | your_bow,——and gave you a country 13 addressed all the People; §¤¤bun’¤ Qhhrmz in ilyz Qiniimtul §s.s2uxl:Ig. ‘ Thus says the EvER·L1v1NG Who

is the Gon of Israel ;—Youx· ancestors dwelt beyond the river from of old, until '1`erah, the father of Abraham, and father of Nah0r,—where they

3 served other gods. But I took Abra· ham your ancestor from the other side of the River and caused him to travel over all the country of Canau ; but I held back his race,—-·yet gave him Isaac. I also gave Isaac, jacob and Esau, and gave to Esau Mount Sair to reign over, but caused jacob and his sons to descend to the Mitze- raim.1 I afterwards sent Moses and Aaron and struck the Egyptians, by what I did, to their very souls, and after that I brought you out. When I was bringing your fathers out from the Mitzeraim and they arrived at the sea, with the Mitzerites pursuing after them with chariot and horse to the Sea of Weeds,2 then they cried to the Even-Lxvmo, and He placed a dark— ness between them and the Mitzerites, and it advanced with them as far as the sea, and your sons saw what I did to the Mitzeraim. Afterwards you remained in the desert a long time,

8 until I brought you to the country of the Amorites who were settled beyond the jordan, whom you made war with, and whom I gave into your power, and you seized their country, and laid it waste before you. Then Balak, the son of Zipper, king of Moab, arose and made war with Israel, and sent and invited Balaam the son of Peor to curse you,

io but I was not willing to listen to Balaam, and he blessed you; and I delivered you from his hand. 'I`hen you crossed the jordan and came to jeriko, and the Prince of jeriko with the Amorites, the Peri- zites, the Cananites, the Hitites, the Ghergashites, the Hivites, and the Qlebusites made war against you ; but

12 I gave them into your power, and sent the hornetin advance, and drove out the kings of the Amorites before you,-·-not with your sword, nor with ‘ Egypt- 2 That is, in its modern name, the Gulf of Suez of the Red Sea.-~F. F. you had not reclaimed, and towns you had not built, and you live in them; vineyards and olive-groves which you had not planted, and you ate of them. So now look to the EvER·1.1v1No and serve Hm, with sincerity and truth! But the gods your ancestors served over the River and among the Mitzerairn,—~·turn away from them -—— and serve the Evan-r.1v1No. ‘ But if it is hateful in your sight

to serve the EvER·L1v1NG,——choose for yourselves to—day whom you will serve ?-—-—whether the gods your ances- tors served when beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites amongst whom you live in these countries? I, and my family, however, will serve dike Qgiznplz promise mrtg in lunrslyip ®¤B. Let it

be a curse to us to forsake the EVER- L1v1NG, or to serve other gods! for 16 our Even-mvmo Gon HE brought us up-—we and our fathers-from the land of the Mitzeraim, from the House of Bondage; and He did the great wonders before our eyes, and guarded us in all the way we travelled, and amongst all the nations through whose midst we passed. And the 18 Even-Ltvmo has driven out all the Peoples, and the Amorites who occu·· pied the country before,-therefore we will serve the EVER-LIVING, for He is our Gon! @¤sl;un expresses at $2nr of their Zfiimlitg in (irish. But ]oshua replied to the People, xg ‘ You are not able to serve the EVER- Lxvmo, for·I-In is a Hom, Goo! He is a jnarous Goo! He will not endure your sins and your offences! For you will forsake the EvER—L1v· zo ING, and you will serve seducmg gods, and change and degrade, and destroy yourselves by following after The People, however, answered

No! for we will serve the Thenjoshua replied to the People,

‘ You are witnesses to yourselves that you have chosen for yourselves the And We are witnesses. 247 21 wl

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0247

The History of the People of Israel