servant fmd favour in your sight! The woman then went away, and ate, and afterwards her face was not the same. (Bc. 1170.) §¤m¤¤1 bum. In the morning they got up and
worshipped before the EVER-LIVING, and then returned to their home at Ramath, where Alkanah knew Hanah his wife, and the EVER- L1v1N<; remembered her, and at the end of the year Hanah conceived and bore a son, and called his name Samueli because I have asked him from the EvER—L1v1NG. When the man Alkanah and all his
family went up to sacrifice to the Even-L1v1NG at the yearly sacrifice, and for his vows, Hanah went not for/’ she said to her not until I wean the boy, and take him up to the EVER- LIV1NG,»·~·then he shall always stay D0
as seems good to you. Stay until you wean him, and may the EVER- L1V1NG confirm His promise to you 2 Consequently the woman remained and nursed her son until she had weaned him. Then she went up with him, when he was weaned, taking three bulls, and an epha of Hour, and a skin of wine, and arrived at the House of the EvnR~uv1z~:<; in Shiloh with the lad, and killed the bull, and My Lord, let your soul live. I, Sir, am the woman who stood here at the door to pray to the EVER-LIVING. I prayed for this lad, and the EVER- L1v1NG granted to me the request I
28 asked. So now as I asked him from the Evan-Livmo I myself dedicate him to the Evan-Lrvmo all the days of his life, and he shall worship the EVER-Livmo heref (ac. 1168.) 2 Then Hanah gave thanks and said, SONG OF HANAH. ‘My heart rejoices in the LORD, By the LORD my horn is exalted; My face triumphs over my foes, -~F. F. 2-15 For I rejoice in Your salvation. None is sacred like You, LORD, For there is none beside You; Nor fortress like our GOD. Increase not your proud speech ; Pride comes badly from your mouth. For the Loan is a Gon of know- ledge, Though trifles are not weighed. The bows of strength are broken, And the feeble girt with might, The pampered beg for food, But the hungry now have rest. The childless has borne seven, And the many—sonned has want! The LORD kills and He revives; Brings to the grave and raises; The LORD makes poor and rich, Bows down, and again exalts ! He lifts the depressed from dust, Exalts the poor from dunghills To sit along with Princes, To inherit the Throne of Power ; For the Earth’s supports are the Loans, And upon them He rests the world. He guards the feet of His saints, But the wicked destroys in gloom ;—-— For man is not strong by wealth, But they fail who strive with Him. When the LORD thunders from heaven, He rules to the bounds of the earth, And gives His chosen Leader power, And exalts His Anointed’s horn} (so. x16_5.) Alkanah afterwards returned to his
home at Ramath, but the lad served the Evan-L1v1No with Eli the Priest. (Elia wickah Suns. The sons of Eli, however, were
protiigates; they did not recognise the EVER-L1v1NG, although the Priests governed the people. Whenever a person offered a
sacrifice, a lad came from the Priest when the flesh was boiling with a three·pronged fork in his hand, and stuck it into the cauldron, or boiler, or kettle, or pot. All that came up on the fork the Priest took for himself. They did the same to every Israelite who came to Shiloh. Also, before the time that they burnt the fat, the 277 IO