I Samuel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 283

The History of the People of Israel



XO II I2 offering to the Evmz-uvmc. Samuel also cried to the EVER-LLVING on account of Israel, and the EvER·L1v· mclanswercd; for while Samuel was oilering the bumt·offex·ing, and while the Philishtim advanced to battle with Israel, the Evmz-Lxvxuc; thundered with a loud roar on that day over the Philishtim, and defeated them, and routed them before. Israel. Then the leaders of Israel advanced from Mitz- phah in pursuit of the Philishtim, and defeated them at Mithakhath, and at Beth·kar. Therefore Israel took a Stone Pillar, and fixed it between Mitzphah and Hashem, and named it S0 far the EvEn·1.1vmG has relieved us. Thus the Philishtim were beaten,

and did not repeat their advance to the borders of Israel, for the hand of the EVER-LIVING was against the Philishtim during the period of Samuel, and he recovered to Israel the towns that the Philishtim had taken from Israel, except Akron, and Gath. He also delivered the borders of Israel from the power of the Philishtim, and made peace between Israel and the Amorites. .c. rug.) Smxuxrl zlcrtzh as §Qrc· :6 zihznt smb ‘§ji_gl] Qpriest. Samuel consequently judged in

Israel during the whole time of his life. And he travelled continually year by year in circuit through Bethel, and Gilgal, and Mitzphah, and ad- ministered justice in all those dis~ tricts; then returned to Ramath, for his home was there, and there he administered justice to Israel, and there he built an altar to thé EVER- LIVING. (3-0 1100-) $¤muzI makes his §mt¤ Megan, but tim; are corrupt mth iuirkrh. But when Samuel grew old, he

appointed his sons as judges in Israel. And the name of his eldest son was joal, and the name of the second Abiah: they were judges in Bar-sheba. His sons, however, did not follow his ways, but extorted taxes, and took bribes, and perverted justice. I Stone-of·relief.-·F. F. (B.¤. 1096.) Glyn Qnrlimnzut bemmxhu u ®z:m·el in Iran ibm in War, mth is ®rgauri5z. Consequently all the judges of 4 Israel assembled, and came to You 5 are old now, and your sons do not walk in your ways, therefore appoint a leader to organize us like all the (Bc. I¤96·)· ®¤h rumumnhs Samuel iu nppniztt at ®r:xrral. But the proposal was displeasing

in the eyes of Samuel, because they Give us a leader to organize So Samuel prayed to the Ev1·:R·L1v1NG, and the EvEiz·L1vmG Listen to the voice of the People, as to all they ask from you, for they have not rejected you, but have rejected Me their leader., It is like all the doings they have done from the day I brought them up from Mitzeraim to this day! For they rejected Me and served other gods; so they do also to you. Listen therefore, now, to their voice. You shall also confer solemnly with them, and explain to them the Constitution for the leader who is to govern over them. (B.¢. rc96.) Samuel fnreirllr ®pprrs· sim: from rx gtlilitsrg Ember.

Samuel consequently reported all

the commands of the EvER·»L1V1NG to the people who demanded a This will be the constitution by which he will rule over you. He will take your sons for his chariots and horse- men, and to run before his carriage. He will appoint colonels of regiments for himself and captains of com- panies; also as mechanics in his workshops; as reapers of his har·· vest; and to make weapons for his soldiers, and appliances for his chariots. He will also take your daughters for confectioners, and cooks and bakers, and he will take thevbest of your farms,and vineyards, and oliveyards, and give them to his ministers. And he will tithe your corn and wine, and give it to his officers and ministers; And your men servants and maids, and your best cattle, and asses, he will take ..0.. IO IZ I2 :6

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0283

The History of the People of Israel