the midst of the square, and said, ‘ Can you inform mc the way to the house of the Sect? ’ And Samuel answered Saul and said,
‘ I am the Seer! Go before me to the Height, and dine with me to·c1ay, and I will send you 0H in the morn- ing.--1 will inform you about all that is upon your mind. And as for your lost asses which you have hunted for three days, rest your mind about them, for they have been found, But now upon whom is the thought of all Israel? Is it not on you, and on all your father’s house ? ’ Saul, however, answered and said,
‘Am I not a Benjamiuite,—-of the smallest tribe in Israel? and of a clan less distinguished than any of the clans of the tribe of Benjamin? So why do you speak to me of such (ac. rogg,.) Smruzzi plazes 5uul ui ily: §2ah uf his Gable anu ®nzzi¤. 22 Samuel then took Saul and his
attendant and brought them to the dining room, and put them at the head of the guests, of whom there were about thirty. Then Samuel Serve up the dish which I entrusted to you. The ` one I told you to reserve by you. So the attendant took the leg and lifted up and placed it before Saul. This is.the portion that was to be placed before you, eat, for it has been specially reserved for you. And I told the people I had So Saul dined with Samuel that day.
And when they descended from the height of the village, he talked with Saul on the verandah. Then they returned to sleep, but when the darkness had gone Samuel invited Saul to go up to the top of the Rise up and I will take leave of you. (B·¤· 1095-) Saumzl znxzsecratzs Qual as ®mzra1in Hsruzl. So Saul arose, and both went out, he and Samuel, into the street.
27 When they had descended to the outskirts of the village, Samuel said Order the lad to ego on (So he went forward.) Butyou stand awhile, and listen to the command of Gon. Then Samuel took a Hask of oil I0 and poured it on his head, and kissed him, and said, ‘*Is it not you whom the EVER!-L1v1NG has consecrated over His Inheritance, to lead it? When you go to·day, from accom- 2 panying me, two men will meet you at the tomb of Rachel, on the borders of Benjamin, at Tzeltzakh, and will say to you, .‘The asses which you went to seek are found, and your father has now left off the matter of the asses, and troubles about you, and What shall I do formy son ? ’ And when you have gone from there a little way, and come to AlarThabor, three men coming up to Gon at Bethel will meet you,-—one» carrying three kids, and another carrying three baskets of bread, and another carry- ing a skin of wine, whoiwill wish you hea.1th,aud give you two cakes, which you must accept from them. After that you must go to the Hill of Gob, where there is a garrison of the Philishtim, and when you come. near the village, you will encounter a band of Reciters, descending from the height, and in front of them a piper, a drummer, and a flute and harper, and they will be reciting. Then the Spirit of the Evnx—x.1vme will seize you, and you will recite with them, and dance in unison} And when these sights come to you, go and use what you have found forsyourself, for Gob is with you 1 ‘ Afterwards precede me to Gilgal,
and then I will come down to you, to offer a burnt odering, and sacrifice a sacrif1ce· of thanksgiving. Wait for seven days until I come, and inform you what you are to do} (nc; xog5.) §aul becomes $rmtiir init!) l§zlight uber his $ppnixtt· ment. When he had turned his back g from walking with Samuel, Gob H1·1·x~1.mAs1·1·m»,.is untr:ms·
latable into nineteenth century English. The modern ideas of Divine Worship do not End room for any ecstatic, trance-like state incited music and dancing. But the ancient g ebrews evidently used the marvellous powers of music to bring them into astate of controlled passion.—···It means a delirious It will cause you to dance and sing wildly till —F. F. .·.O»