and there were three hundred thou- sand men of the Children of Israel, and the men of ]udah thirty thousand, and they said to the Messengers who Say thus to the people of abesh—Gilad,—‘To·morrow we will e with you, to rescue you before
The Messengers accord- ingly went and informed the chiefs of jabesh, and they were glad. So the 'I`o—morrow we will come out to you, and you can do to us what seems good in your §mzI attacks at Qligbt mth hzfzutz tbz §m¤¤itz¤. 11 In the morning, however, Saul divided his forces into three divisions, and advanced to the centre of the camp in the morning watch, and assailed the Amonites until noon of I2 the day, and they were broken to pieces, and fled, and no two of them held together. Then the force asked Who said Saul should not be Leader over us? Give those men to us that we may kill them. Not a man
shall be killed to—day, for to~day the EvER·L1V1NG has made a great deliverance for Israel. And Samuel said to the force, March I and let us go to Gilgal, and renew the Leadership there. (nc. rog4.) §is ,3rnn_;g elect Saul as Zzuhzr again at ®ilg¤1. All the force accordingly marched 15 to Gilgal, and they elected Saul Leader there before the Eveiz-Lxvme in Gilgal, and sacrificed sacrifices of thanksgiving before the EVER-LIVING, and Saul and all the men of Israel rejoiced very greatly. §umu2l cunhrms it fur War, lint retains the §rezi¤mcg mth Qihil Gulszrmxxzut. Samuel afterwards said to all 12 You see I have listened to your voice in all you have asked me, and have appointed a Leader over you, so now your Leader can march 2 before you. But I will govern in Civil affairs. As for my sons··—look l they are among you. And for myself I have walked before you from my youth until this day. Here I am! Answer me before the Evsx—L1vmo and before His Anointed! Whose ox have I taken? or whose ass have I taken to be as a cover and blind to my eyes from any man ?-·-—If I have I will return it to you} You have
neither defrauded us, nor oppressed us, and you have never extorted anything whatever from the hand of The EVER-
LIVING is a witness, and His Anointed is a witness with you this day that I have not taken anything whatever for my own hand? ’ He is wit- Samuzl ehhrrrszs the 3rmg rz- prubiuglg fur their lst. So Samuel responded to the People 6 ‘It was the Even-Livmo Who appointed Moses and Aaron, and Who brought your fathers from the land of Mitzeraim. ‘ Therefore now station yourselves,
and I will relate to you before the EvER·L1v1NG all the beneficences of the EVER-LIVING which He has done for you, and for your fathers, from the time when jacob came to the Mitzeraim, until when your ancestors cried to the Evn1z—r.1v1No, and the EVER··L1v1NG~sent Moses and Aaron, and brought your fathers from the 237