I Samuel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 291

The History of the People of Israel

14- ---— 25 THE PERIOD OF SAA’IUEL.~—I. SAM. 14———4g 26 28 33 34 35 37 S0 none of the army tasted food. All the country was woodland;

honey lay openly on the ground ; and the army came into the wood, and saw the honeycomb, but no one put his hand to his mouth, for the people feared the curse. jonathan, however, had not heard the curse of his father to the army, so he extended the end of the club that was in his hand and dipped it into the honeycomb, and put his hand to his mouth, and his eyes were enlightened. But a man from among the forces

Your father bound the army, and said, ‘Accursed be the man who eats food to·day S ’——Although the army was exhausted} My

father troubles the army. Look, now, how my eyes are brightened by tasting this bit of honey !—··-Indeed, why should not the army have eaten to-day of the spoil of its enemies which it found ?——for then would not the defeat of the Philishtim have been increased However they fought the Philishtim

that day from Mikmash to Ailon, and the forces were greatly exhausted ; so the men rushed on the booty and seized sheep, and cows, and calves, and slaughtered them on the ground and they ate with the blood. But it Look, the people are offending the EvER— Prevent it! Roll Then Serve out to the men, and command every man to bring his bullock to me, or his sheep, and kill them, here, and eat, without offending the EvER~L1v1NG by eat- So everyone brought his bullock along with him that night and slaughtered it there. Saul also built an altar to the EVER- LIVING; for he had promised to build an altar to the Ev}-2R—L1v1NG. Let us follow after

the Philishtim by night, and assail them at dawn of the morning, and And they Do whatever seems right to You must enquire about that of GOD.’ Saul therefore enquired of GOD,

‘ Shall I follow after the Philishtim E But He did not answer at that time, consequently Saul ex— Let every squadron of the army come here to be examined, and show who has offended to·day! F or by the life of the LoRD Who has saved Israel, if it should be jonathan my son,»—he shall be put to death. But there was no response from the whole force. Then he commanded all Israel,

‘ You shall pass as lone, and I and jonathan my son shall be as one to Do what is good in your sight} EVER-

Ltvmc Gon of Israel! Give a Then jonathan and Saul failed; but the army came out. Cause it

to fall between me and my son and jonathan failed. Therefore Saul said to jonathan,

So I tasted from the end of the club I had in my hand a little honey,i——and I Gob do the

same to me, and more than this, if jonathan is not put to death! But the army exclaimed to Saul,

‘Shall jonathan be put to death who has won this great victory for Israel tonight? As the Loan lives! not a hair shall fall from his head to the ground! For GOD worked to- And thus the army rescued jonathan :—-—so he did not die I Saul consequently went up from

following the Philishtim, and the Philishtim returned to their quarters. 39 43 44 45

(ac. xogy.) §aul luins his @2a¤zr— ship hg the Quttlz uf @2tl]-alien, KRD IURHIIIIBB §1I££25S2Z. Saul in this way won the Leader-

ship over Israel, and fought around with all his enemies. With Moab, and the Beni-Amon, and with Edom, and with the kings of Zobah, and with the Philishtim, and whoever stood up against him he conquered. He also formed an army and defeated Amalek and delivered Israel out of the power of its ravages. And the sons of Saul werejonathan,

and Ishur, and Malkishua: and the

Will You deliver them to the hand of l names of his two daughters were 29I 47 49

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0291

The History of the People of Israel