I Samuel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 294

The History of the People of Israel

16-13 THE PERIOD OF SAMUEL.—I. SAM. 17-13, Them the EVER-1,1v1NG said,

‘Arise, anoint him! For this is hel' Samuel therefore took the hom of

oil, and consecrated him in pre- ference to his brothers, and the Spirit of the EVER-LIVING came upon David from that day forward. Samuel afterwards arose and returned to Ramath. .0. 1o63.) Saul a&ici2h iuiily x6 @2pr2zzim: uf §;xi1rii. -@¤biD mumxwzwh in rzhihz him iuiily muzi:. The Spirit of the EvE1z—L1v1No then

went away from Saul, and he was terrified by an Evil Spirit away from the Loma. The Ministers of Saul Now that the Spirit of G0:) has gone; an Evil Spirit terriiies you. Let our lord then command your personal servants to seek a man skilful in playing on the harp, and when the Evil Spirit from Gon is upon you, he can play with his hand, and ease yon. Saul consequently replied to his

Look out then for me a man with proliciency in music, and bring him to me} 18 One of his ministers then replied, I have seen a son of jessai of Bethlehem, a skilful musi~ cian, a fine dancer, a gentleman, and a good reciter, and a handsome man; 20 2 I 22 and the Evan-L1v1NG is with him. Saul, therefore, sent messengers

Send your son ° David who goes with the Bock to me. So jessai put on an ass bread, and

a skin of wine, with a kid of the goats, and sent them by the hand of his son David to Saul. When David came to Saul and was presented to him, he admired him greatly, and he became one of his attendants, and Let David attend me, for he has found favour in my sight} When, therefore, the Spirit from

GOD came upon Saul, David took his harp and played with his hand, and relieved Saul, and soothed him, so that the Evil Spirit went from him. .c. moz.) Ellyn wyilisiinzs hectare mar again with ®¤liai!y as tlbummuuhzr. to Sukah, which is in judah, and were encamped between Sukah and Azkah in Afesdamim. Saul and the Israelites also collected and encamped on the plain of Halah, and they prepared for battle at the challenge of the Philishtim. But the Philishtim occupied the hill beyond, with the vale between them; and there came out from the camp of the Philishtim a man, one of the twins, whose name was Goliath of Gath. His height was six cubits and a half. A brass helmet was on his head, and he was clothed in a coat of mail, and the weight of the coat was live thousand shekels of brass, with brass greaves on his legs, and brazen javelins at his shoulders. The shaft of his spear was like a weaver’s beam, and the spike of his spear weighed six hundred shekels of iron. (ac. 1o6z.) ®¤Iiutl; rlmllzugcz in u $51:gle ®m1thai. A shield·bearer marched in front of him. Thus he stood, and called 8 from a distance to the regiments of Why do you come out arrayed for battle? Am not I a Philishtim, and you slaves of Saul? Choose a man for yourselves, and let him come to mel lf he is able to fight me, and beat me, then we will be your slaves! But if .1 overpower him, and beat him, then The I defy all the regiments of Israel to-day I Give me a man that we may iight together! ' And Saul and all Israel listened to

these words of the Philistine, and were depressed and terribly afraid. (nc; 1062.) @utrih is Hxttruiurreh. %is {Banning:. A man of Ephthra, of Bethlehem·

'judah, whose name was Jessai, had eight sons, one of them David; and the man in the days of Saul was looked on as a Great Man by IO II I2

the people.? The three elder sons 13 1 Nora.-A friend, an accomplished Orien-

talist, wrote me as follows upon Ch. rf, v. 12, in reply to my entipiry as to an exact y pccigfate rendering of t e status of ]essai’s am y:- ‘ I do not think the word ‘ noble’ or ‘ Old Man' is rit. I cannot End that the Heb glhrews ever had t at which is sooner or later a curse

17 But the Phmshtim assembled in I to the Commonwealth, an elected aristocracy. their camps for war. They advanced The views implanted in them by Moses were 294

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0294

The History of the People of Israel