39 mail, and. girt David with a sword from his own arms.-· Then he tried to walk, but he was not able. David I am not able to walk in these, for I have never been used to them. @abiir ziripz uf tbz Qtmnur, mth takes his Sling. Consequently David stripped them
40 oil him;-·—took his sling in his hand, and chose for himself {ive smooth stones from the brook, and put them 43 44 45 into a shepherd’s bag that he had. S0 with a sling and staff in his hand he approached the Philistine. _ The Philistine also himself marched and advancedagainst David, with the man Carrying a big shield in front of him. But when the Philistine bent for—
ward and saw David, he despised him, for he was a lad and ruddy, with a beautiful face. So the Philistine Am I a dog? that Then the Philistine cursed David by his god. The Philistine also exclaimed to Come to me! and I will give your oarcase to the fowls of the sky. and to the beasts of the held ! But David replied to the Philistine,
‘You come against me with sword and spears, and in armour,··—but I come against you with the Name of the LORD—of H0s‘1‘s,—·—the GOD of the regiments of Israel. Whom you have defied! T he LORD will shut you up 46 to—day for my hand, and I will beat you, and cut off your head, and give the oarcase of the Champion oi the Philishtim to—day to the birds of the sky, and the wild beasts of the earth, and all the world shall know that there is a GOD for Israel. And all the crowd shall recognize that the EvER·L1v1NG saves neither by sword or spears! For the LORD controls the war, and will give you into our ®¤lintly slain bg @ethih. Then the Philistine braced him-
self up, and advanced to challenge David, but David was quick, and ran from the ranks to attack the Philis- tine. And thrusting his hand into his bag David took out a stone and slung it, and hit the Philistine on the forehead, and the stone entered his forehead, and he fell on his face to the ground. Thus David was victorious over the Philistine with a sling and a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him I But there was no sword in David’s hand, so David ran and stood by the Philis- 47 49 tine, and seized his sword and drew it from its sheath, and killed him, and cut his head off with it. When the Philishtim saw that their hero was dead, they tied. Santa Qrmg tliimjmcnursgza uhhsncz tu °@atil2. Then the generals of Israel and 52 judah arose, and cheered, and pur- sued the Philishtim to the end of the valley, and to the gates of Akron, and the wounded of the Philishtim fell on the road of the double gates, both of Gath and Akron. Then the 53 lsraeliltes returned from the pursuit after the Philishtim, and plundered their camp. (David ultimately took 54 the head of the Philistine, and brought it to the House of Peace,and placed his armourin the Hall.) Saul matching @ahih’a challenge of (hnliatly, asks Qlntzr who he mus. But Saul watching David going 55 to challenge the Philistine, said to Abner, the commander of his army, ‘ Whose son is that lad, Abner ? ’ By your soul’s life, Leader if I know} 296