they found the temphim in the bed, with a g0at‘ss beard on its face! T hen Why have you deluded me thus, and let my enemy escape from me, and hide He
said to me, ‘Let me escape or I will kill you} .c. 1058.) Qnhib seeks safety at 18 20 21 22 the §a1¤»:e uf §umuel, the §igb riesi, ai Kamath, where Saul eeuhz in eeige him. Thus David escaped and hid him-
self and went to Samuel at Ramah, and informed him of all Saul had done to him. There he stayed with Samuel and they resided in the Resi- dency. But it was reported to Saul that 'David was at the Residency} at Ramah. Saul consequently sent messengers to arrest David; but when they saw the company of Reciters reciting, and Samuel stand— ing up directing them, the divine spirit came upon Saul's messengers and they themselves recited. And they reported it to Saul, who sent other messengers, but they also recited. Saul however again sent messengers a third time, and they also recited. T hen he went himself to Ramah, and when he came to the great cistern that is at Sikah, he asked, enquiring, ‘Where are Samuel and David? They are at his House But when he went to the House near Ramah, then the divine spirit came upon him also, and he went dancing and reciting until he
24 came tothe Residency at Ramah. He also tore off his clothes, and himself recited before Samuel, and fell down naked there all that day, and all that night. From this comes the saying, ‘ ls Saul also among the Reciters 20 Then David removed from the Residency at Ramah, and appeared What have 1 done ? What is my fault? and how have I offended your father, that he seeks my life Be calm! 1 Ch. rg, v. ig. Then he and Samuel went
was the as we could call it, situated in.the town of -Rainah. The subsequent narrative makes this probable, almost certain. ——H. B. and F, F. you shall not be killed. Look; my father does nothing great, or little, that he does not communicate to my ears,~·—then why should my father hide this affair ? It cannot be so} But David swore even, and said, ‘He knows,——-your father knows, that I have found favour in your eyes, so he says ‘ Let not jonathan know this, for fear he should be grieved. But, however, by thelife of the EVER- LIVING, and by the life of your soul, what defence is there between me What
do you demand about your life, and I will provide it for you? And David replied to jonathan,
‘ You know to—morrow is New Moon, and I should sit with the king to dine, but I will withdraw and keep myself in the country until the third evening. If your father enquires for me, you must say, ‘ David asked me permission to run to Bethlehem, his village, for it is the set time for all his clan to sacrifice there.’ If he then says, ‘Good,’ there is safety for your servant, but if it angers him, you will know that evil has been determined by him. Now act kindly to your friend, for you made a bond of the Evan-1.1v1Nc between your friend and yourself. But, if I have offended, kill me yourself, for why should you betray me to your father? Go
away. Calm yourself, and if I find that injury is intended to be brought upon you from my father I will come But David replied to jonathan,
‘Whatever he said to me, or may assert to you, your father is deter- When jonathan- replied to David,
‘Come, and we will go into the So they both went to the fields, where jonathan said to David, ‘By the Evan-Livmo, the Gon of Israel, I will search out my father by this time, at three days after to- morrow, and find if he is good towards David; and if he is not, I will send to you and whisper it to you. The LORD do so to jonathan, and more than that, if what is pleasant to my father is bad for you. I will inform you of it,-——and send you away, and you shall depart in safety. May the Evan-Ltvmc be with you, as He has been with my father. Therefore you 299 IO II I2