Genesis - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 31

The Five Books of Moses

GENESIS. 31~——17


that is ours. and our chi1drcn's, so do all that GOD has said to you} 17 '1`hereforejacob arose, and mounted his children and wives on camels,

18 and collected the whole of his herds, and the whole of the property which he had acquired by trading; property he had acquired in Padan Aram, to go to his father Isaac in the land of 20 21

22 Canan. Laban, however, had gone to shear

his sheep, so Rachel stole the Tera- phim which were her father’s. Thus jacob stole away secretly from Laban the Arami, without informing him, for he fled from him. So he fled, he and all he possessed, and they went up and crossed over the river, and he set his face to Mount Gilad. But on the third day it was reported to Laban that jacob had fled. Then he took his relatives with him

and pursued after him·—·-a seven days' journey, and came up with him at Mount Gilad. But GOD appeared to Laban the Arami in a dream by night, Guard yourself in what you do to jacob for either good Laban, however, overtook jacob: and jacob had pitched his tent on the hill, but Laban with his relatives on Mount Gilad. What have you done? You have carried


away my daughters like captives, desolate? Why did you steal away to fly and deceive me, and not inform me, when I would have sent you away with pleasure, and with the sound of drums and harps? You have not even let me kiss my children, and your children. You have acted like a fool! Truly there is a GGD who guides me from evil in acting with yon; for the GOD of your father last night said to me, ‘ Guard yourself in dealing with jacob for good or ill; so go your journey; for you desire the house of your father ;—-···but why have you stolen my gods ? ’ Because I

was afraid ; for I said he will certainly steal his daughters from me. If, however, you find your Gods, it is not known to me. G0 round what is (For jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen them.) Laban, therefore, went round the

tent of jacob, and the tent of Leah, and to the tents of the two mothers, he left the tent of Leah and went to the tent of Rachel. But Rachel had taken the Teraphim and placed them under the camel·saddle, and sat upon them, so Laban searched all the tent and could not hud. And she said to Let it not grieve your eyes my Lord that I am not able to rise before you, for the way of women So he searched and did not find the Teraphim. Then jacob was furious, and abused

Laban, and jacob was savage and What is my fault; and what is my sin ?4 that you have come after me? Now you have searched all my goods, what have you found of all the goods of your house? Put it before my people and your people, and they shall decide between us. During the twenty years I have been with you, I have not lost a sheep or a goat of yours, and I have never eaten a ram of your flock. I have not brought you the maimed. I have borne the loss from my own hand. I have restored to you the-stolen by day, and the stolen by night. I have borne the heat by day, and the cold by night, and my eyes never rested. This twenty years I have been in your house,—-I served you fourteen years for your two daughters, and six years for your sheep, and you cheated me overimy wage ten times. If the GOD of my father Abraham, and the WORSHIPPED of Isaac, had not been with me, then you would have sent me awayempty. But GOD saw my weary feet, and defended me last But»Laban answered; and said to

The girls are my girls, and 34 35 37 39 43 the children my children, and the sheep my sheep; and all that you see is mine; and for the girls what shall I do for them or the children which they have borne ? However, now, 44 come on, and let you and me make a settlement, and let it be a witness between Myself and You} Then jacob took a stone and set it 45 up with both his hands, and jacob Let them So they collected stones and madea heap. Then they feasted on the heap there, and Laban The Heap of but jacob called it for ' 'l`he Heap of Evidence} I Gilad. and did not find them ; consequently 47

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0031

The History of the People of Israel