II Samuel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 317

The History of the People of Israel

sioned several years after by David, which is recorded subsequently, in Ch. g,_v. 1, of this book.--F. F. 5——6 3——36 THE PERIOD OF SAMUEL.--11. SAM. 37 39 So all the army admired and ap-

proved all the king did. It was good in the opinion of the forces. And all the army, and all Israel, recognised at the time that the king had not caused the death of Abner—ben·N er. The king also said to his Ministers,

‘ Do you not know that a Prince and a Great Man has fallen to»—day in Israel`? And I, the king, am weak and feeble, and these men, the sons of Zeruiah, overpower me? May the EvER—L1v1NG make repayment of the wrong they have done to their neighbour! Ezrrnr in israel an hearing uf §huzr'¤ Mutha:. When the son of Saul heard that

Abner had been killed in Hebron, his, and all Israel’s, hands dropped down. But there were two men, Generals of Division to the son of Saul,——~the one named Banah and the other Rekab, sons of Rimon the Barothite,-—of the tribe of Benjamin (for Baroth had been assigned to Benjamin, but the Barothites re- moved to Githim and are settled there until to-day. But jonathan the son of Saul had

a son, a cripple, who was five years old when news came from jazraal about Saul and jonathan, and his nurse took him up and ran away, but in the hurry of flight she fell, and he was lamed, so he was named Mefibosheth.2) 5 These sons of Rimon the Barothite, Rekab and Banah, went secretly one day to the palace of Ishbosheth, when he was lying on his couch at noon,

6 and arrived at the interior of the palace through the com stores, Then both Rekab and Banah his brother

7 crawled slyly, and came to the chamber where he lay upon his couch in his sleeping room, where they stabbed and killed him, and cut olf his head. They then took 1 Vv. . The l heses areI

3, 4ines in arent, think, the note of some old transcriber, not art of the historian, Isaiah's, text, for they

preak the narrative. They are probably intended to explain the fact of a son of jonathan escaping from the hands of the murderers in this Revolution, and being_pen· his head and went off and travelled all night, and brought the head of Ishbosheth, the son of Saul, to David at Hebron, and said to the king, ‘l·iere is the head of Ishbosheth- ben-Saul, your enemy, who sought your life, which the EvER—L1v1NG has given to our Prince, the King. You are revenged to day on Saul, and his race ! ’ But David replied to Banah and

his brother. sons of Rimon the By the life of the EvER—Liv1N<;, Who rescued my life from all its distress, when a man reported to me, ‘ Saul has been killed,’ as though it would be pleasant in my opinion,-·-I seized that man, who brought me that news, and ordered his execution in Ziklag. You villains have murdered a good man in his own house upon his bed! So now I will require his blood from your hands, and I will rid the earth David then commanded his at-

tendants, and they slew them, and cut oH their hands and feet, and hung them up by the pool in Hebron. IO II I2 But they buried the head of Ish~ bosheth in the tomb of Abner at Hebron. (ac. 1048.) Quinn zlertzh §i¤g. All the tribes of Israel then came 5 to David at Hebron and addressed Formerly, when Saul 2 K5 was king over us, you led out and brought back Israel. And the Loki) said to you, ‘ You shall shepherd My People of lsrael,’—·»so, therefore, be· come now the Leader of Israel} All the judges of Israel also came

to the king at Hebron, and King David made a treaty with them before the EvaR—1.1v1No and all Israel rejoiced with King David David was thirty years old at his

election as king, and was king forty years. He was king over judah in Hebron seven years and six months, and king in jerusalem thirty—three years over all Israel and judah. (ac. m4;.) §ist¤rg of @nhih, §iug ur fhummaxtiier uf Einiteh israel. When the king and his Generals 6 marched against jerusalem, the jebusites occupied the district, and 3I7

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0317

The History of the People of Israel