II Samuel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 319

The History of the People of Israel

THE PERIOD OF SAMUEL.-·-II. SAM. ‘7··--12 6--9 9 And David was afraid of the EVER- The Ark of the EvER·uvmc shall not

S0 David would not II I2 I6 18 20 21 take with him the Ark of tha EVER- Lxvmc; to the City of David, but placed it in the house of Abd-Edom the gardener, and the Ark of the EVER-LIVING remained in the house of Abd-Edom the gardener three months. Then the EvEn··r.1vmG blessed Abd»Edom and all his family. And it was reported to King David The Even-Lxvxno had blessed the house of Abd~Edom, and all that belonged to him for receiving the Ark So David went and brought the Ark of GOD from the h up ouse 0 Abd·Edom, with rejoicing, to the City of David. But when the bearers of the Ark of

the EvER·L1v1Nc had advanced six steps, they sacrificed a bullock and fat calf, and David danced with all his might before the Evsx-Lrvmo; and David was clothed withan ephod. Thus David and all the House of Israel brought up the Ark of the EvER—L1v1NG with cheering and sound of trumpets, but when the Ark of the Evmz-Lrvmo came to the City of David, Mikal the daughter of Saul leaned and looked out of a window and saw King,David skip- ping and dancing before the EVER- LIVING, and she despised him in her heart. Thus they brought the Ark of the

EVER-LIVING, and set it in its place within the Pavilion which David had erected for it. Then David oH'ered burnbofferings and -thank-offerings before the Even-Lxvxuo. When David had completed, the burnt- offerings and thank-offerings, he blessed the people in the name of the EVER-L1v1No Powsxz. He also dis- tributed to all the people, to all collected from _Israel,—both men and w0men,——a loaf of bread, and a horn of wine, and a cake; then all the people returned each tohis house. When Mikal the daughter of Saul

came to meet David, she said; ‘How dignified the king of Israel was to·day, when he exhibited him- self `to the eyes of his servant girls as common fellows exhibit themselves ! It

was before the EVER·LlV1NG, who chose me instead of your father! and instead of all your house, and commanded me to be guardian over all the people of the Evan-Lxvmo, over Israel,··-so I sported before the Evsn·x.1vmc. And I will degrade myself more than that, and will humble myself in my own eyes, but by the servant-girls whom you mention I shall be honoured! But for Mikal the daughter of Saul, there shall be no child for her to the day of her death! 22 (ac. 1041.) Quhib §rnp¤¤z¤ in Quilt a Ezmplz. But when the king dwelt in his

palace, and the Evan-Lrvmo had given him peace all round from his enemies, then the king said to Nathan See, I now rest in a palace of cedar, but the Ark of GOD remains under curtains} When Nathan answered the king,

‘All that is in your heart, do it, for the EvEn—r.1v119o is with you. But in that night the message of

the EvER·Llv1NG came to Nathan, Go and speak to My servant David to say, ‘Thus says the EVER- L1V1NG, Will you build Me a house to dwell in, when I have not rested in a house from the days I brought Israel up out of the Mitzeraim to this day, but have marched with a pavilion and tabernacle, in which I have travelled with the forces of the Children of Israel? Have I spoken to the one tribe of Israel whom I commanded to shepherd My People Israel, to ask, Why have you not built Me a palace of cedar ? ’ ‘ Consequently now say this to My

servant David, ‘ Thus says the Evnk- Llvms POWER, I took you from following after the sheep to become a Leader over My People Israel, and I have been with you wherever you went, and have defeated your enemies before you, and made your name great, like the name of those famous on the earth; Ihave also provided a position for My People Israel and planted them, and they shall rest in it, and never fear, nor shall the sons of Evil again amict as formerly. But from the day when I dictated a Con- stitution to My People Israel, and gave you rest from all your enemies, did the Evnlpnlvxne enquire, What house will you make for the LORD? Your days, however, shall be com~ pleted, and you shall sleep with your 3I9 IO


Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0319

The History of the People of Israel