II Samuel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 326

The History of the People of Israel

13··—-1q THE PERIOD OF SAMUEL.-—H. SAM. 14--4 20 21 Then Thamar threw dust on her

head, andtore, the long-sleeved robe she wore, and spread her hands over her face, and went weeping. But Absalom her cousin asked

Has Amnon your cousin been with you ? However, at present keep silent, my cousin, for he is your rela- tive; do not lay this matter to your heart? Consequently Thamar was quiet and secluded herself in the house of Absalom her cousin. When King David heard the whole of these things, he was very angry. (ec. 1030.) £x1rh2r ¤f gmttutt hg 22 26 Qlmzlnm. your servant now. We will not burden you} not go, but thanked him. Absalom, however, said nothing

for bad or good to Amnon about the wrong he had done to his cousin Thamar. But when two years had passed, and they were shearing for Absalom at Bal—Khatzor, which is in Ephraim, Absalom invited all the sons of the king. Absalom also went to There isa Shear- ing Feast with your servant,——·wil1 the king. and his ministers come to But the king answered Absalom,

‘ No, my boy, all of us cannot go Then he pressed him, but he would If not,—·— let Amnon my brother go with us? Why should he go with you? ’ But Absalom pressed him, till he

sent Amnon and all the king’s sons with him. Then Absalom instructed his atten-

Watch till you see Amnon’s heart merry with wine, and when I say to you ‘ Stab Amnon, and kill him ; ’ be bold and strong- The attendants of Absalom con-

sequently did to Amnon as Absalom commanded. Then all the sons of the king got

up, and mounted each on his mule, and fled. But whilethey were on the road a report reached David, Absalom has stabbed all the king’s sons, and not one of them is Then the king arose and tore his

clothes, and laid on the ground, and Shemiah, the brother of David, inter Do not let my Prince think that all the young Princes have been killed,——for Amnon only has been killed. For that has been determined by Absalom from the day he ravished his cousin Thamar. So, now, let not the king lay this matter on his heart, thinking all the sons of the king are killed, for except Amnon, none have been killed ;—and Absalom has lied ! Then the man on the lookout raised

his eyes, and looked, and saw a great crowd of people coming along from the further road at the side of the hill. ]’onadab consequently said to See! the Princes are com ing as your servant said,——these are And by the time he had ceased speaking the king’s sons arrived, and lifted up their voices and wept, and the king and all his ministers also wept,—~—a very great weeping. And he mourned over his son all the year. Absalom, however, had lied, and

went to Thalmi-ben-Amikhor, King of Gheshur. (ac. 1029.) Thus Absalom tied and went to Gheshur, and was there three years. King David, however, longed for Absalom, after he was consoled for the death of Amnon. (sc. 1027). gosh brings hack Qlmalnm. 33 34 35 37 39

And ]’oab-ben~Zeruiah knew that 14 the heart of the king was upon Absalom, so ]’oab sent to Thiquah and brought a clever woman from I want you to disarrange yourself, and clothe yourself in widow’s weeds, and not to tidy yourself with oil, but seem like a woman distressed for a long time over death. Then go to the king to speak to him this speech! Then yoab put the words into her mouth. The woman of T hiquah accordingly

appealed to the king, and fell on her face to the earth, and lay there, and Save me, King ! i Vv. 37--38. The Hebrew text ditlkjrs

all his ministers St<><>d tearing their 1 greatly from the Authorised version aaa me clothing. But ]’onadab, the son of . Revised, as I read it.-—F. F. 326

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0326

The History of the People of Israel