II Samuel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 330

The History of the People of Israel

16-8 THE PERIOD OF SAMUEL.-JI. SAM. 17-9 IO —II I2 ‘Gct off! Get off! you man of

_ blood! you blackguard! The EVER- L1v1NG has turned upcm you all thc blood-of the family of` Saul, whom you reign instead of I ·Aud the EvER~ Lrvma has given the kiugship to the hand of Absalom your son! Look at your miseries, for you are a man Abishai-ben-Zeruiah, consequently

Why should this dead dog bark at your Majesty the king? Let me run over and cut off What does

it matter to me and you, son of Zeruiah, what he cries, or what the EvER·LI~v1NG tells him, to call David 2 And what he says-—have I not Then David said to Abishai and all

You see, the son who came out of O my body seeks my life; so since the. son of Amy, right hand

assails me,—as for that fellow, let him abuse, for the Evmz-1.1vmo tells him! The Lokn sees me in my depression, and the EVER-LIVING will return me- blessings instead of the- cursing of to-day ! S0 David and his men went on their

way :-—·and Shernai marched on the side of the hill near him, walking and throwing stones and dirt at him. In this way the king and all his

people went wearily and depressed in mind'. (ac. mz;.) §lm¤1¤m’¤ infamous Emthnzt in Qmrsulzm. 15 But Absalom and all the forces of the men of Israel advanced to jerusalem; and Akhitophel along

x6 with them. Then Hushai, the Arki, the friend of David came to Absalom, 18 20 and Hushai exclaimed- to Absalom, ‘ Long live the King 1 Long live the King! ’* Is

this your love for your friend? Why have you not gone with your friend When Hushai replied to Absalom,

‘ No! For whoever the EvER— 1.1vmG and the `Peoplechoose-e~and all the men of Israel are with——I.shal1 stop with him l, And. for the rest, Whomshall I be serving? Shalll not serve before this son, as I served before your father? for I shall be before you ? ’ Absalom thenisaid to Akhitophel, ‘ Come on with you,»—advise me what I should do? ’ And Akhitophel replied to Absalom, ‘ Go to the slave·wives of your father, who are here to take care of the palace, and all Israel will hear that you have outraged your father, and it will strengthen the hands of all who are with you. Absalom consequently erected a

bed upon a verandah, and Absalom violated his father’s wives in the sight of all Israel. For in those times the advice of

Akhitophel when he advised was like enquiring from the word of GOD. Such were all the contrivances of Akhitophel, both for David, and for Absalom. 2I 22 (ac. rozg.) Qklyitnplnl ahhises in Eupinrz sun Jnrher Qahih.

Then Akhitophel said to Absalom,

‘ Select at once twelve thousand men, and I will start and pursue David to·night, and come on him whilst he is weary and weak handed, when I shall terrify him ; and all the force with him will fly,-—and I will kill the king alone. Then I shall tum all the people to you, as all the men whom you have sought have turned. The other people will be All this advice was right in the

opinion of Absalom and the opinion of all the Nobles of Israel. 17 (ac. 1o23.) §nslyai cuuaterqzlnls §kl;ii¤pbz1. Let us

now call Hushai, the Arki, for I would also hear whatis his idea. So they brought Hushai to Absalom,

This is the advice of Akhitophel. Shall I act upon his advice ?-lf not what is your advice? ’ And Hushai answered Absalom,

‘ The advice that Akhitophel has advised is not good, for this reason; You father andthe men wh know Kpur o are wi .him,——-that they are soldiers, and sore inmind like a bear robbed of her whelps in the field, and your father is a man. of war, so will not lodge with the forces, You see this; He will hide in somecave or some

tower. And it may be we might miss 220

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0330

The History of the People of Israel