good man; and he will bring good clear t0—day that your O$ccrs and soldiers are nothing to you! For I now perceive, if Absalom were alive, and all of ushad been killed to·day, it would have been right in your ` ` ` Then Akhimatz called out and said
and bowed to the King with his face to the earth, Thank your EvExvL1v1NG Gon, who has delivered the men who rose against you to the hand of your Majesty the King P When the King asked, “ Is the lad
And Akhimatz —I saw a great crowd about the King’s general ]’oab, and your oiiicers, but I knew not why I ’ Turn
So he turned and stood. Then Kusi came. There is good news for your Majesty the King. For the Evan ~ Livmo has granted you justice to·day from the hands of your enemies; —-— all who rose against Is the lad Absalom safe ? ’ May all
the enemies of your Majesty the King be like that young man! and all who rise against you for evil! ' 19 Then the king trembled, and went up the stairs of the gate,. and wept, You have gone, my son, Absalom! My son, my son, Absalom! I wish I myself had died instead of youl Absalom! my son! The king is weeping and lamenting over Absalom! consequently to ·· day’s victory will become a sorrow to all the army? for the army will hear it said now that the king laments it, because of his son, and the forces will have to skulk into the city to-day, like an army skulks in when it is ashamed by {lying from battle; for the king hides his face, and the king shrieks with a loud voice, ‘ My son, Absalom! Absalom! My son! My son l ' ” }’oab consequently went to the king,
Do you wish to insult to their faces to-day all your Omcers who have preserved your life, and the lives of your sons and daughters; and the lives of your wives, and the lives of your slave- wives? You love your enemies, and hate your friends! For you make. it eyes !—-But, however, get up, and go out, and speak to the hearts of your soldiers,-·-for, by the Evmz-Livmo I swear to you, that, if you delay it, there will not be a single man with you to·night! And that will be worse for you than all the suiering that has come upon you from your youth The king consequently arose and
sat at the gate; and it was reported The king is now sitting at the gate.” So the whole force passed in before the king. But Israel ded each to his own home. W12 Em ®rilics rmzmzli as in again rlzrtiug Qahih Qing. All the people, however, were dis-
cussing in all the tribes of Israel T he king delivered us from the hands of all our enemies, and he protected us from the power of the Philishtim; and now he has been chased from the country on account of Absalom. But Absalom whom we consecrated over us has been killed in battle, so why are you silent now about restoring the king? IO II (ac. 1oz3.) gable asks Quite}; in rz-alert him. King David, however, sent to
Zadok and Abiathar, the priests, to Speak to the judges of Judah, asking, ‘ Why do you hang back from restoring the king to his house, when all Israel demand the return of the king to his home? ’ You are my reIatives,·-—my bones, and my flesh, then why are you hanging back
' And he Are you not my bones and my flesh P God do this to me, and more than it, if you shall not be perpetual commander of the army before me in place of ]’oa.b. Then, the heart of the people of
judah turned as one man, and they Let yourself return with all your servants. The king consequently returned
and came to the jordan, and judah came to Ghilgal marching to meet he kinto brinthe ki tg, g ng over jordan. Shemai - en ·Ghera, the I2 16