II Samuel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 338

The History of the People of Israel

22--x7 THE PERIOD OF SAMUEL.-—-II. SAM. 23·-—-1

x8 20 21 22 26 28 33 34 85 37 He sent from on high, and He took mc, Pulled me out from the powerful seas! From my enemies strong He re- deemed me, Frorg haters more strong than my- se . In the day of distresses He helped me ;··~ The LORD was Himself my support, And brought ine again into freedom. He drilled me, because He approved ; For my virtues the LQRD gave reward, My honour renewed to my hand, For I kept to the path ofthe Loan, And I went not astray from my Gem; For all His decrees I kept with me, And turned not away from His laws. And to Him I always was faithful, So the Loma gave my goodness reward, Because I was pure in His sight. To the merciful, You will show mercy, And with the upright You are straight; You are pure to those who are pure, But with the rebellious, You strive ! And You save the oppressed of the people, And look down with scorn on the proud, And You, LORD, alone are my light ;—-· LORD, therefore enlighten my gloom, For by that I an army can chase, And with Gov can leap over a wall. The pathway of Gon is a straight one; The words of the Lord are refined; He is to all trustin a shield .-- For who is a Gomiut the Loan P And who is a rock but our G0:) ? The GOD who is mighty in strength, Whose pathway is perfectly straight, Who makes my feet like to astag’s, Who supports me in mounting the hills. Who instructed my hands in the fighting, And to break a steel bow with my arms. And You are my shield of salvation, And, imparting Your power to myself, You stretch out my stridings below me, So my ankles will never slip down, I can chase all my foes and destroy them, And never turn back till they’re done! I assail them and strike till they rise not, For under my feet they fall down. You gird me with strength for the war, And my legs under me are kept straight, But You throw my enemies back- wards, S0 that I can destroy those who hate. They shout--—but they have no Defender,——— To the Loan, but He answers them not; While I grind them like dust of the earth, I stamp them like mire in the streets ! You saved from the strife of my people, And kept at the head, of the Tribes. A people I never knew serve me, And sons of the strangers bow down, To hear me with listening ears; And the children of foreigners run, Their robes closely girt by their belts! Let the ·LORD live! bless my Rock! I for ever exult in my Gon, And rejoice in GOD's Fortress that saved me,—— The Gon Who has given me my right,— Who subjected the nations beneath me,—— Freed from foes, and has raised me on high, And redeemed from the men who opposed. For this I will praise You, O Loan, And chant of Your name to the heathen, Your salvation exalt in my heart, And the kindness You show your Messiah,—— And David’s enduring heir! 39 43 44 45 47 49

And these are the last words of 23 David, Says David the son of jessai, And the speech of the man raised on high, And whom ]acob's God had ap- proved, 338

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0338

The History of the People of Israel