Rekab came to the Temple of Bal, and he said to the ministers of Bal, ‘ Search and examine, for fear there should be among you any ministers of jehovah ; for I will expel all, except the ministers of Bal! Then they entered and made
sacrifices, and burnt-offerings; but jlehu had chosen for himself outside eighty men and said : ‘ The man who allows one of these
fellows, whom I have prepared for your hands, to escape, his life shall So when they had finished making
the bnrnboffering, jehu commanded the infantry and their ofhoers, ‘·Advance! Charge! Let not a man Then the infantry and their officers charged with the sword, and went to the sanctuary of the
26 Temple of Bal, and they brought out the columns of the Temple of Bal,
27 and fired them, and threw down the Temple of Bal, and turned it into a
28 dunghill to this day. Thus jehu swept Bal from Israel. (ac. 884.) 32bit cuntimizs the Sins uf §2rahauz·lmt·£2hst. 29 However, jehu did not turn from the sins of jerabam—ben-Nebat, who caused Israel to sin—··—-from the wor- ship of the calves of gold that were
3o at Bethel and at Dan; consequently the EvsR—L1v1Ne said to jehuz Because you have done well and 33 right- in My sight, according to all that it was in My heart that you should do to the House of Akhab, four of your descendants shall sit upon the throne of Israel} jehu, however, did not continue to
walk in the laws of the EvER—L1v1NG GOD of Israel with all his heart. He did not turn from the sins of jerabam, who made Israel sin. In his days the EVER-LIVING lessened the boundaries of Israel, and Hazaal conquered from them upon all the borders of Israel, PERIOD.--II. KINGS. 11-9 sun, all the country of Gilad, the Gadites, and Reubenites, and Man- assites, from Aroariupon the river Amon, with Gilad and Bashanl The rest of the affairs of jehu, and 34 I all that he did, and all his achieve- ments, they are recorded in the history of the events of the times of the Kings, of Israel. When jehu slept with his fathers 35 theynburied him in Shomeron, and jhoakhaz hisson reigned in his place. The- period that jehu was King over 36 Israel was twenty—eight years in Shomeron. (acl 884;) Queen §tiyalinl; nt Israel xurhzrs tbz Qlsgsl $ami1;_; except mt: Qur:. When Athaliah the mother of 11 Akhaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed the whole of the Royal Family., jhosheba, the 2 daughter of King joram, however. sister of Akhaziah, took joash the son of Akhaziah and stole him from among the children of the king who were being murdered, and nursed him in a secret chamber, and con— cealed him from the sight of Athaliah, so he was not killed. He was after» 3 wards hidden with her in the House of the EvER·-LIVING for six years, while Athaliah reigned over the country. S-hniaba the Eigb ijrizst Dzthruurzs mth kills Chtbaliah. But in the seventh year jhoiada 4 sent and invited the Captains of the Guards, and Infantry, and brought them to him in the House of the EVER-Ltvmo, and showed them the son of the king, and instructed them 5 This is what you must do three days hence. Come on the Sab- 6 bath and fix the Guards to guard the king’s palace, and relieve the Guards at the gate,. and dismiss the Ofiicers at the first gate, and yourselves remain to guard the Temple front being entered. And let half of your troops 7 come every Sabbath, and stand as a guard to keep the Temple of the E.vnx—L1v1zvo for the king, and form 8 yourselves around the king each with his arms in his hands, and if any refuses, let him be killed; You must also attend the king wherever he The Captains of the Qompanies 9 from the jordan eastward towards the * accordingly did all that jhoiada the s8<>