25 They brought her when she pro- duced the ring and walking stick;———and 26 28 By the man that these belong and she con- To whom belongs this ring audits motto, and this walking stick ? You
are more virtuous than I; for I did He therefore proceeded no further to examine her. When, however, the time for her
delivery came, there were twins in her belly, and it happened in her child- ing one put out his hand, so the midwife took it, and tied a scarlet thread upon its hand, remarking, But it occurred that he drew back the hand, and then his brother was pro- duced, when she said, “ What? Have you broken? The breach be therefore she called his name Pherez;1 and afterwards his brother was born, upon whose hand was the scarlet thread; so she called his name Zarah. iliiziurg uf yumeply znntimreh. 39 Thus joseph had been taken down to Mitzer,3 and sold to Potiphar, Pharoh’s General, Commander of the Guards, a Mitzerite, from the hands of the Ishmaelites who had brought him there. But the EVER- LIVING was with joseph, and he became a prosperous man, and was steward to his master, the Mitzerite, for his mastersaw that the Even- LLVING was with him, and that all he did the LORD prospered it in his hand. loseph therefore found favour in his eyes, for he was honest towards him, consequently he appointed him chief of his house, and entrusted all his possessions to his control; with the result that from when he was appointed over the house and over all thatbelonged to him, the EVER- LIVING blessed the house of the Mitzerite under the administration of joseph, and he was blessed by the EvER~L1V1NG in all his possessions, in thehouse and in the field, so that all he had increased under the direc- tion of joseph; consequently he made no enquiry what he had, except for the bread which he ate. joseph 1 Breaker. 2 Sunrise. 8 Egypt. was also handsome in form, and handsome in face. It happened, however, after these
events, that the wife of his master lifted up her eyes to joseph, and But he refused, and said to his master’s wife; ‘My master knows not what is in his house, and all that he possesses he has placed in my control. There is not a greater than I in this house, and he has withheld nothing from me, except yourself, because you are his wife. Therefore `I will not com- mit that great sin, and outrage, against GOD.’ However she solicited joseph day
after day, but he would not listen to her to lie beside her, or be with her. But it happened that one day when he came to her apartment with a message for her, and there were none ofthe attendants of the house there in the apartment, that she seized him Lie with but he let his wrapper slip off in her hand, and fied away naked. So when she saw that he had left his wrapper in her hand, and had fled naked, she cried out to the atten- dants of her house and said to them, Look! he has brought this foreign
fellow to us to insult us! He came to me to violate me ;——but Iishrieked out; and when he heard that I raised my voice and shrieked, then he left his wrapper beside me and lied She also laid by the wrapper with her till her lord came home, when she spoke to him about There came to me the Hebrew slave whom you brought to us, to insult me, but when I raised my voice to cry out, he abandoned his wrapper near me and fled away naked. And when his master heard the
tale of his wife, which she told him, Your servant acted to- wards me according to my state- he was tired with anger; therefore ]oseph’s master took and put him into the tower—house, the place where the prisoners of the king were imprisoned, and he was confined in the tower-house. But the EVER- L1V1NG was with joseph, and gave him mercy, and gave him favour in the eyes of the commander of the tower- house, so that the commander of the I0 II I2 16 x8 20 21 22 tower-house placed in joseph’s hands the whole of the prisoners who were in 9l'\