II Kings - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 392

The History of the People of Israel

13-13 THE MONARCHICAL how he fought with Amatziah king

of ]uda.h·—they are recorded in the history of events duriugthe period of

13 the kings of Israel. Then jhoash slept with his fathers, and ]a.raba.m sat on his throne, and he buried jhoash in Shomeron with the kings of Israel.

(e.c. 839.) ®1i¤¥y¤'s Miners mth 16 18 Qzaily, mth §1·nmi¤2 in Ziynusly. When Alisha was ill with the illness

that was his death, jheash king of Israel visited him, and wept before My father l My father! The chariot of Israel and its ho1·s‘es!’ Take a bow and arrows} So he took a bow and arrows. He next said to the king of Israel, ‘ Draw the bow with your hands} And he drew the bow with his

hands, and Alisha put his hands on the hands of the king and said, ‘ Qpen the window towards the east} So he opened it. Shoot.’ And he shot. An arrow of

deliverance from the EvER·L1v1NG, and an arrow of deliverance against Araml For you shall defeat Aram Then I`ake your arrows. And he took. Then he said to the king of Israel, ‘ Shoot at the ground I ’ So he shot three times,then stopped.

And the MAN of GOD was angry, and You should have shot five or six times, then you would have defeated Aram to destruction; but now you have only defeated Aram three times! (12.0. $38) 20 Thus Alisha died, and they buried him when the raiders from Moab were coming into the country, at the fall of

21 the year. They were burying another man also, but when they saw the raiders they threw the man into the grave of Alisha, and ranaway. When, however, the man touched the corpse of‘Alisha, he arose on his feet. (n.c. 839.) Wye Ruin uf israel arrnsizh hg Maas};. 22 Hazahal, king of Aram, then op- pressed Israel all the days ofjhoakhaz, PERIOD.-II. KINGS. 14-—8 23 but afterwards the Evsa—1.xvme pitied them and showed mercy, and turned towards them, because of His Covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and jacob, and did not desire to desolate them, nor to throw them from His presence at that time. Therefore Hazahal king of Aram died, and Ben- hadad his son reigned after him. Then jhoash turned upon Ben—hadad, (About nc. 836.) and took the cities from the hand of Benehadad, the son of Hazahal, which he had taken from the possession of his father ]hoakhaz—-· jhoash de- feated him in battle three times, and recovered the towns to Israel. (nc. 839). {leigh nf Qmatgiab ulcer Zabel;. In the second year of jhoash king 14 of Israel, Amatziah—ben-jhoash began to reign in judah. He was twenty- 2 live years old at his coronation, and was king in jerusalem for twenty- nine years, and his mother’s name was jhoadin, of jerusalem; and he 3 did right in the sight of the EVER- LIVING. Not, however, like his an- cestor David, but exactly as his father jhoash did. Yet he did not take away 4 the Columns-—the peoplestill offered sacrihce and incense at the Columns. (B.C. 838.) hmatgiub executes his 3’ail;zr’s ghlurhzrzrs. When he had fixed himself firmly 5 in possession of the kingship, he executed those ministers of his father who had killed the king his father. But he did not kill the sons of the 6 murderers, because it is written in the law of Moses that the EVER- Y0u shall not kill the parents on account of their children; and you shall not kill the children on account of their parents; a man shall only be killed for his own crime. He defeated ten thousand of Edom 7 and the Amalekites, and seized `Sela by war, and called its name jakthal to this day. (n;c. 827.) §mat;ial; Wyullrxzgzs Maas}; tn War. Then Amatziah sent Ambassadors 8 to ]hcash—ben·]hoakaz—-the descen- Come, let us see faces l 392 —»-M,__l

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0392

The History of the People of Israel