II Kings - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 404

The History of the People of Israel

22--1 THE MONARCHICAL PERIOD.-11. KINGS. 22--20 (B.c. 641.) ®¤¤h Zuzbialy Qizigzw uber Umrazl. 22 joshiah was eight ycars old at his coronaticn, and reigned thirty—one years in ]erusa.1em,and the name of his mother was jedidah, daughter of

2 Adiah of Betzekath, and he did right in the sight of the EVER-1.1v1N<;, and walked in all the paths of his ancestor David, and did not tum to the right or left. (mc. 624.) 182 Maguire ily: ®zmplz. 3 It occurred in the eighteenth year of King joshiah, that the king sent Shafan—ben-Atzaliah the Secretary to the House of the EvER·L1v1NG to say: ‘Go to Hiikiah the High Priest,

and let him keep the money coming into the House of the EvER··L1v1NG, separate from what they collect from the people, and deposit it in the cus- tody of Asaf, the Accountant of the property of the House of the EVER- Lxvmc, to repair the dilapidations of the House; to pay carpenters, and masons, and builders, and purchase timber, and dressed stone to repair However, he did not reckon with them for the money placed in their hands, for they acted faithfully. (ac. 624.) @52 (l9rigxzm1 Q§1¤tz¤ ef the @niu make hg gitnzzs fmmh. 8 Then Hilkjah the High Priest said I have found THE B00x—~,Boc>k of the Law,1iu the So Hil- kiah gave the Book to Shafan when he

g met him, and Shafan carried the Book to the king, when the king sat Your Officers have collected the money found in

1 The reading in the Hebrew, as I

take lt, is far stronger than in the common translations, whether of the Septuagint and Vulgate, or the English Authorised and Re- a Bok of the,v’The gelrw tet 7 {171 · _; T1,w c won g The Onxouur, th ,e autograph coiy engraved by Moses and placed in the Ar , under his order, by Aliazar the High Priest, while the Army of joshua was encamped in Moab, previous to passing from the eastern side of the jordan to invade Canaan on its ee;. See Deuteronomy, Ch. gx, v. 24. g the Temple and placed it in the custody of Asaf the Accountant of the property of the House of the EVER- Then Shafan showed the Hilkiah and Shafan read it before the king. But when the king heard the con-

tents of the Book of Law, he tore his robes, and the king commanded Hilkiah the Priest, and Akhikam—ben- Shafan, and Akbur-ben—Mikiah, and Shafan. the Secretary, and Asiah, the Attendant of the king, saying: ‘ Go, enquire of the Evamuvxno

about me, and about the people, and about all judah, in regard to the con- tents of this Book that has been found ; for a. great anger from the EVER- LIVING must be kindled against us, because our ancestors have not commands of this Book, or practised all that was IO II I2

(ac. 624.) 3IU5I]i8I]£UI(K1Iu§ @111bah the Kettler. Hilkiah, the Priest, and Akhikam, 14 and Akbur, and Shafan and Ashiah, went therefore to Huldah the Reciter, the wife of Shalem—ben—Thignah·ben- Kharkhas, Keeper of the Robes, who resided in jerusalem in the Second Rank of the Levites, and spoke to her, and she replied to them : 1`he Evan-Lxvmo Goo of Israel

says thus :——-‘ Say to the man who sent you to me: Thus says the EVER- LIVING, I will bring misery upon this place, and upon its inhabitants, in accordance with the contents of the Book read to the king of judah, because they have abandoned Me, and offered incense to other gods to insult Me by all their practices, and to kindle My wrath with this place, and it shall not be quenched} ‘ But to the king of judah who sent

you to enquire of the EVER-Ltvmo, say this to him: Thus says the EVER- LIVING GOD of Israel, about the words that you have heard,-—-you opened a heart to consider them as from the EvER·L1v1NG, so that you may hear what I have spoken about this place, and against its inhabitants, for it shall become desolate, and despised. So you tore your robes and wept before Me,···and I have heard you also, says the EVER- LIVING, therefore I will add you to 404 16 18 20

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0404

The History of the People of Israel