Genesis - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 42

The Five Books of Moses

GENESIS._ 41-45 your order no man shall move his hand or foot in all the land ofthe Mitzeritcs.’

45 Pharoh consequently called the 1`he High Trea.surer- and gave him Aseneth the daughter of Poti·Pha.ra, priest of On, for a wife. inzzplj bam ®g3_gpi mxrixzgzh mth stares up (Gum. joseph at once made a survey of the whole land of the Mitzerites. 46 joseph was thirty yeers old on his appearance before Pharoh king of the Mitzerites, and joseph went from the presence of Pharoh and organized

47 all the land of Mitzer. The earth 49 53 54 55 57 also produced big loads in the seven years of the sevens, and he collected much provision in the seven years, in the land of Mitzer, and stored up the provision. For every town he stored up provision from the nelds around it. joseph consequently stored com like the sand of the sea for quantity; the amount wasso great that they ceased to measure it, because it was immeasurable. joseph also had two sons born to

him before the years of the famine came. Aseneth the daughter. of Poti—Phara the priest of On bore them, and joseph called the name of For GOD has made me forget all my troubles, and But he called the name of. the other Ephraim} ‘For GOD has enriched me in the land of my wrongs. Then the seven years ofthe sevens

which were to bein the landof the Mitzeraim came to an end; and at their end the seven years of famine began, according to the declaration of joseph; and the famine was upon all the lands, but in the land of the Mitzer-, aim there was bread. At last the whole country of the Mitzerites hungered, and the people called upon Pharoh for bread, but,Pharoh replied to all Go to joseph, who And as the famine was over the whole surface of the country, joseph opened the stores which he had by him, and distributed to the Mitzerites. Although the famine raged in the land of the Mit- zeraim, yet all the countries came to the Mitzeraim to buy corn from joseph, for the famine raged over all the countries round. 1 Forgotten. 2 Frultful. 42 —-17 Euszpbw ¥1·¤ily2rs are sent in ®ggpt in hug illinrn, mth ierrihnn hg being mllzh Spies. jacob also learnt there was corn in 42 Mitzeraim, so jacob said to his sons, Why do you look at each other?'

I have heard that there is corn in Mitzeraim. Descend to there and buy for ns from it, that we may live and not die. Therefore ten brothers of joseph

went down to buy corn from the Mit- zeraim. But jacob did not send Benjamin the own brother of joseph I fear an injury might happen to him. Thus the sons of Israel went down

to buy corn, together with other travellers, for there was a famine in the land of Canan. joseph was then Protector over all

the country, to distribute to all the people of the land, and joseph’s brothers came and bowed to him, face to the ground. When joseph saw them he scrutinized and recog- nized them, but spoke to them From what country do you come? ’ They replied, *‘From the land of Canan, to buy food. Although joseph recognized his brothers they did not recognize him, but joseph remembered the dream which he dreamed to himself, and Y0u are spies; come to survey the nakedness of the land. No, my

lord, but your slaves have come to buy food; and all of us are sons of one man ;———we are honest men ;—we are not spies} No I but you

are come to see the nakedness of the Your slaves

were twelve brothers. t·We are the sons of one manin the land of Canan. The youngest is at home to~day, and one is not,’ That is just

what I said to you, when I said you are spies. By this I will prove you. By the life of Pharoh! you shall not go from here until you have brought your youngest brother here! Send one of yourselves to take your brother, and return; then you will prove your words true about him, and if not, by the life of Pharoh, you are spies! And he further ordered them to be A2 IO II I2 16

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0042

The History of the People of Israel