If it must be, do this; take some `of the productions of this country in your waggons, and go down to the man with at present; some balsamt and honey., perfumes, and myrrh, tnuts and almonds. Also take double money in yourhauds, and the money that was returned in the mouth of your bags, return with your own hands to him again. Take your brother also, and arise, go back to the man, and may the Almighty GOD give you mercy before the man, and send your brother back with Benjamin . For if I am to be bereaved, I shall be bereaved. Quzzplfs §r¤iI;2r¤' $2:unU iiuurneg iu fbggyi; aubtlyzg yinz iuttl; him. 15 Consequently the men took the present, and took double money in their hands and Benjamin, and arose and went to Mitzeraim and appeared
16 before joseph. And joseph saw x8
ordered, and he brought the men to ]oseph’s house. But the men were afraid at being brought to ]oseph’s It is on account of the money which was returned to our bags last time that we are brought, to have an excuse against us,·and to fall upon us and to take us for his Therefore they approached the steward , of ]oseph’s house, and spoke with him in the verandah of the house, and By the EvER~L1v1NG we came down for the purpose of buying food; but when we returned to the inn and opened our bags, there was our money in the mouth of our bags, in full amount. But we have returned with it in our hands. We have also brought other money with us to buy food. We knew not that our money was there in our loads} Be quiet, and
fear nothing. Your GOD andthe GOD of your father has given you that money secretly into your loads. Come Then he brought Simeon to them. The man, the steward of }oseph’s house, also went out and ordered water, and they washed their feet. Then he ordered fodder, lor their asses. They then prepared the present against ]oseph’s arrival at noon; for they heard they were to dine with him. When joseph came to the apartment, they presented him the present which they had brought from home, and bowed to the ground before him. Then he asked them about their
Is your father well P-the old man you told me of? Is he alive yet ? ’ Your slaves are
and bent and bowed. i But he raised his eyes and saw Benjamin his brother, Is this your youngest brother, of whom Then he added, ‘ GOD show you mercy, my son. Then joseph hastened, for his
affection burned for his brother, and he sought to weep, so he went into his chamber and wept there. But afterwards he washed his face and came again, and restrained himself, and ordered dinner to be served. They therefore served it for him,
by himself; and to them apart, by themselves; for the Mitzerites dined by themselves; for the Mitzerites are not allowed to eat food with foreigners: for that is disgusting to the Mitzerites. But they placed in his presence the eldest, according to his age, and youngest according to his youth, and arranged the men each by his relative, and they took dishes from before him to offer to them : but they offered to Benjamin more dishes than to any of the rest, presenting hve, which they presented and left with him. 26 28 33 3i Quran}; hisrnhzrs @im¤z1f in his ‘§r¤tl32rs. Afterwards he commanded his 44 Fill the loads of these men with food as much as they are able to carry, and put the money of each onthe top of the carts; and my cup, the cup of silver, place at the top of the load of the youngest, So they did as joseph ordered. At morningdight the men went off
with their asses. When they had gone not far from the city, joseph Mount and follow those men; secure them, and say to them, ‘ Why have you returned evil for good ? Where is that my lord AA