Genesis - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 46

The Five Books of Moses

45——6 GENESIS. 46—·—9 IO II I2 16 18 20 21 before you to preserve life; for these two years the famine has encircled the land, and for five years more there will not be ploughing or harvest, therefore GOD has sent me before you to preserve to you e posterity in the earth, and a secure refuge for your lives. Consequently it was not you who sent me, but GOD who ep- pointed me as e Father to Pliroh, and an Administrator of all his house, and e Governor for all the lend of the Mitzereim. Therefore arise end go up to my father, and say to him; ‘Your son joseph says thus :-—GOD has appointed me as Administrator of all the Mitzerites, so come down to me: Do not delay. · You shall reside in the land of Goshen, and be near to me ;——·you, your children, and your childrens children, with your sheep and your oxen and all that you have, and- I will provide for you there, for there are Hve years of famine yet ; therefore. come down, yourself and your family, and all that you have; so that my eyes may see you and the eyes of my brother Benjamin, and that my mouth may also speak with you} You must also inform my father of all my power among the Mitzeraim, and all that you have seen, and cause your father to mount and come down Thenhe fell upon the necks of his

brothers and wept, and Benjamin wept upon his neck. He also kissed all his brothers, and wept over them, and afterwards his brothers con- versed with him. And a report was communicated to the Palace of ]oseph’s brothers and it was good in the eyes of Pharoh, and of his ministers. Pharoh therefore said to joseph, Say to your brothers thus,—-‘ Load

up all of you from the city and go to the land of Canan, and take your father and your families and come to me, and I will give you the best of the land of the Mitzeraim, and you shall be fed on the fat of the land. You, yourself, also command this to be done ;—-‘ Take from the land of M itzer waggons for yourlittle children and wives, and your father, and bring them. Care nothing also for the aban- donment of your goods; for the best of the land in Mitzer shall be yours.' The sons of Israel accordingly did

so, and joseph gave them waggons from Pharoh’s arsenal, and provided provisions for the journey. He also gave all of them a suit of clothes, but to Benjamin he gave three hundred pounds, and five suits of clothes. To his father he sent in addition ten he riding asses the best in Mitzer, and ten she riding asses besides, with bread and meat for his father on the way. Thus he sent off his brothers, and said Do not quarrel on the road. They accordingly went from the

Mitzeraim and ascended to the land of Canan, to jacob their father, and joseph is yet alive, and he is also Governor of Then his heart failed, for he could not believe them. Then they related all that joseph had said to them ;·~·but when he saw the waggons which joseph had sent to carry himself, then the spirit of jacob their father It is enough ! my son joseph does live! I will go and see him before I die l’ 22 26 28

Israel consequently marched, and 46 all that were with him, and went to the Well of the Oath, and offered offerings to the GOD of his father Isaac. Then GOD appeared to Israel jacobl I am here! I am GOD, the GOD of your father Isaac; fear not. Go down to the Mitzeraim, for you shall become a great nation there. I, THE MIGHTY, will be with you in Mitzer, and I will support you, and joseph shall place his hands upon your eyes. jacob afterwards arose from the

Well of the Oath, and the sons of Israel carried jacob their father, and their children and wives in the waggons which Pharoh had sent to carry them in. They also took their herds, and the property they had purchased in the land of Canan, and went to the Mitzeraim,——-jacob and all his race with him: his sons and sons of his sons with him; his daughters and his claughters’ sons and all his race went with him to the Mitzeraim, @$132 tlnli Qlliull uf the Qpatriarrlnr. Now these are the names of the 8 sons of Israel who went to the Mitze- raxm :—— jacob; and the eldest son of jacob, Reuben and the sons of Reuben, g Hanok, and Phelwa. and Hetzon and Karmi.

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0046

The History of the People of Israel