ISAIAH.Ouzs 16, 17, Boox II.Cn. 44,And the Righteous, in whom I delight;For the thirsty, I waters pour out,And make on dry ground Rowing rills,I breathe out My wind on your seed,And My blessing is over your crops ;The herbage springs up in your sight,Like willows beside Rowing streams.This, will say :—·—‘ I belong to the LQRD ; ’That, ‘ by ]a,cob’s namell will be called ;The next to the LIFE give his hand,And be labelled with lsrael’s name.Om; 17.3 gzclarutinn uf ®¤h’¤ Snrzkxwhrlzhgz.Thus Israe1’s King, the LORD proclaims,And his Redeemer, Loma or Hosrs;I0III2:6I am the First and the last,Except myself there is no GoD.And who but Iproclaimed and toldAnd fixed events from former times,Foretelling future things?Shake not, fear not, for is not thisWhat I informed and told?You are My proof no Goo exists but Mn,I know no other RockAll Idol-makers rave;Their statues cannot help,And show it to themselves lThey neither see nor know;Their Artist they degrade;Those helpless metal gods!See! all their friends they shame!Their artistsblush themselves;They shame their ilxers up;All meet disgrace together!A Smith the iron cuts,And works it in the coalsAnd with his hammer forms.He works with his strong arms;He hungers and is weak;Is faint, and thirsts for drink;The joiner chooses wood;He draws a line in red;I-Ie cuts it with his tool ;With compass marks it out,A graceful human form,A man to guard his house!He Cedars felis for use;He takes the pine and oak,Selects the forest trees.The fir plant grows by rain.And is for man to burn,He takes it and he warms;He cooks and bakes his bread:For worship makes a god!Adores the form he made IBurns part of it in fire,With part he cooks his meat,And cuts a slice ind eats!464R