Genesis - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 49

The Five Books of Moses



'1`he ALMIGHIY GOD_ ap- IO 11 I2 peared to me on my departure from the land of (Zaman, and blessed me, and said to me; ‘I will make·y0u Bourish, and increase your family, and make you an assembly of nations; and I will give this land to your race after you as a possession for ever!' But now for your two sons, who have been born to you in the land of the Mitzemim before I came to you in Mitzer;—--1et then Ephxgim and Manasseh be mine, as Reuben and Simeon are mine. But your children whom you have begot after them they shall be yours. They shall not be called by the name of their brothers in their inheritance. ‘ Whenl came from Padan, Rachel

died from me in the land of Canan, on the journey, in Kibrath~artz, near the pass of Ephratha, and I buried her there by the road at Ephrathaf Then Israel looked at the sons of These are mine! l They ` are the sons which GOD gave me here! I will take

them now for myself, and bless them} But the eyes of Israel were heavy

from age. He was not able to dis- tinguish, so he drew them to him and kissed them, and embraced them. I have seen your face unexpectedly, and now Gob has shown me also your heirs} Then joseph brought them for his

blessing and they bowed before his

13 face, earthward.2 Then joseph took both of them, Ephraim in his riglit hand for the lefthand ofIsrziel,and~Ma~ nasseh in his left, for the right hand of Israel ,and approached him. But Israel

1.; stretched out his right hand and placed it upon the head of Ephraim, who was youngest, and his left hand upon the head of Manasseh, intentionally,

Which is Bethle-

are a comment of 21 Rzibinicnl copyist, not part of the Text, so I put it at the foot of the pago.——F. F. 2 V. 12. Alearned jewish gentleman hearing

mth verse of the 48th of Genesis—~for,_ he it is translated totally wrong in both the Authorized and Revised Versions, and I copied out from my MSS. my rimixslation as above, and my enquirer declared I was correct, as well as in another hich lic had asked mtransl passage of wy ation. My rozulcrs can sec the value oft e correction by consulting the A.V. arid R.V.—l*. F.


although Manasseh was the eldest. Then he blessed joseph, and said ‘The GOD in the presence of Whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, The GOD Who appeared to me from of old until this day; The MESSENGER Who redeemed me from all misfortune, Bless the lads, and give them my Power, ; The Power of my fathers Abraham and Isaac, And pour out their increase to the bounds of the earth! joseph then discovered that his

father had placed his right hand on the head of Ephraim, and it was un- pleasing in his eyes, so he took hold of his fathers hand to change it from off the head of Ephraim to the head of Manasseh. joseph also said Not thus my father, for this is the eldest; place your right hand on his head} I

knew it my son, I knew it. He also shall be a nation,——·and he also shall be great, ———· but nevertheless his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his race shall be at multitude of nations, and when bless- ing, in that period they shall say, The Blessing of Israel be upon you I May GOD make you like Ephraim and like Manassehf and they will place Ephraitn above Manasseh. I

shzilldie, but GOD will be with you,z1nd will return you to the land of your fathers. Therefore I give to you She- kem alone, above your brothers, which I took to me by my hand, from the Antorites, by my sword and my bowf 16 18 20 21 22 §lnruli’s 'ldlrsslxujs in his Sinus. jacob afterwards called his sous 49 and said; ‘ Assemble and I will inform you 2 What will befall you in future times ; Collect mid listen, sons of jacob, Yes, list to your father Israel; ®¤ Sllmhzxx. Reuben l The first of my vigou1·,·— 3 You are the crown of my passion ; Excelling in beauty, excelling in strength ! Boiling like water, you lost com- 4 mamd ; For mounting your fn,tlier’s bed, Yes! defiling my hououfs abode,


Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0049

The History of the People of Israel