message of the EvER—L1v1NG, with Israel lThe EvER·L1v1NG asks this :—— ‘ What injustice did your fathers
{ind in Me, that they have removed from Me, and follow after delusions, asking, Where is the Evm2·1,1v11~:e who mounted in company with us from the land of the Egyptians? Who marched with us in the desert, in a country of drought, and shares, in the land of withering and the shadow of death; in the land where no one ipasses, and no man dwells; whence I brought you to a land of pastures, to eat its fruits and goodness. But you went and defiled My Country, and My Estate, by at- taching yourselves to Abominatiozis. the Law. They would not teach about Me; and the guardians sinned preached for Bal; and would not rise up to advance after Me! There- said the EvEn—r.1v1NG, f‘and with the sons of their sons I will contend; for they shall pass over to the isles of the Kithites and look, and mourn in their exile and think much, and examine what cameof this changing to heathen gods,—-who are not gods. For My people changed for what are worthless. T he heavens heard and said the EVER· For My people twice did evil to Me. They forsook the Spring of Living Water, to dig for them- tain no water l·—Israel served, with the children of his House, what brought him to become an object of plunder! The tigers roared against him, they uttered their voices, and assailed his country, to desolate his 2-30 ]EREMIAH. your infancy; I loved you in your youth; guided you after Me from if') II I2 16 the desert to a land you had not all the families of the House of and deluded themselves? instead of ‘ The priests asked not, Where is
the Evnnmxvxno? or took hold of against Me; and the Preachers But have you not procured it to 17 yourselves? You forsooks your EvEn— LIVING Gon at the time you went from the path. And now why do you wish for the road to. Egypt, to drink the black waters? And why do you wish for the road to Ashur, to drink the water of that well? ‘ Turn yourself from your sins, and
return from your shame, and learn and see how bad, and rebelliously forgetful you are of your EVER- Livmo Goo, and I will not terrify said the Mxonrv Loan or Hosts, “ although from of old you have vexed Me yourselves. I withdrew from your vows,-·-for
on every hill-top, and under every leafy tree, was a walk for e fornica~ tion. ‘But I planted you, a perfect vine,
from a true stock ;———then how is it that you are changed from Me, turn- ing to a wild vine? Even if I wash you with nitre, and polish. you with soap, will your faults be removed asks the Mionrv Loan or Hosrs. ‘How can you say, ‘I have not polluted myself with the Balites. Look at your proceedings in the valley! ‘ I know what you have done in
the feasts of Lust, in her depraved ways. You wild ass, used to the desert, drawing your breath in puHs—~ in the spirit of 1ust,—·who can turn you away? All who seek her will be wearied at the time she feels it. Keep your feet unshod, and your throat for thirst, and say, ‘ They are no use to me, for I love wantonness and will go after it. F The shame of the House of Israel
is like the shame of a detected thief. Both they, their kings, nobles, priests and preachers, for they say to wood, ‘You are my father,’ and to stone, You bore us! ’ while they turn their
back, and not their face, to Me. But in the time of distress they cry, Arise and save us! ‘Go to your gods whom you have
made for yourselves! Let them arise,-·-if they can save you in the time of your sufferings! For your gods are as many as your towns, judahl ‘Why do you all implore Me,
when you have all revolted from the Evnn·1.iv1No asks. **1 dogged your children in vain ;-·they would not learn. Your own sword 493 18 20 21 22 26 27 g 28