horse, with the leap of a bow, past every city. They advance in clouds with slings! Every village is aban· doned,——there is not a man remain- ing! Now, you harridan;-—what will you
do ?~·-Though you clothe yourself in scarlet ;-—-though your ornaments are your eyes ‘with paint, —-you will beautify yourself in vain! The pro- you! For I hear the cry of a childing the wail of the bedizened daughter
of Zion! She spreads out her hands! ‘Woe to me now, for my life is exhausted by murderers! §mx2¤i man. ‘ Go about the streets of ]erusalem,
and search, and examine, and seek in her squares, if you can had aman, if there is one who administers
give her !———Although they swear by the life of the. Even-Livmc, they swear to deceive! Elie §r¤pb2i’¤ tinyurl. LORD, are not Your eyes upon
truth P You caused them to be afflicted! They refused to accept correction. Their faces are harder than a rock. They refuse to alter! Then I thought, These are the low, they are ignorant,··—they cannot
know the way of the EVER-t.1v1No, the decrees of their Gob. I will
go to the great, and speak with them. traces! 5--21 4-~26 28 29 ]EREMIAH. skies had flown! I looked,-—-and Karmel was a Desert, and all her villages thrown down, -—— before the Presence of the EVER-L1v1NG!·——be· fore the anger in His face ! Then the Even-1.1v1N<; said this: ‘ All the land shall be desolate,~—and I will not prevent it. Therefore the earth shall faint, and the skies shall be black,——because I have uttered jewels of gold,-—though‘ you tear
Eh: Want ®rhzr in Sears}; fur an shall ravage them! A panther lie in wait against their villages; he will tear all who come out, for they multiply their sins, they are strong for their transgressions. ‘ Can I pardon you for this? Your
children forsake Me, and are satisfied with Sham gods, so I will satisfy them! And they commit adultery, and troop to the brothel. They are prancing fed horses, each neighs after his neighbours wife! ‘Shall I not punish for these prac-
the EVER-Lxvmoasks. " Even if among the heathen it were the same, would not My _soul punish it? ‘ Advance to her walls and destroy,
and make no repairs! Throw down her battlements, for they are not the LORD’s. For the House of Israel has been falsely false to Me, with the says- the EVER- They were false to the EVER-L1v1NG, and said, ’I—Ie is no- thing! Trouble will not come upon us, and sword or famine will never arrive ! ’ And the Preachers have no spirit and no message came to them, they invent it for themselves! thus says the EVER-
Because you speak such things, I will make the words of your mouth fire, and this people wood, and will consume them. I will bring upon you a nation from says the EVER- It is aresolute nation from of old. It is a nation that knows not how to turn back, and will not listen to what you say. Their face is like an open grave. They are all heroes; and will devour your harvests, and your bread, and devour your sons and your daughters. And will eat your sheep, and your cattle. It will eat your ·vines and your figs. It will break your fortified cities, in which you trust, to pieces with the sword. And also in those days/’ says the I will not work for you at all, and under them they will come to ask, ‘Why has our EVER- LIVING GOD done all this to us?’ When ‘ you - shall -reply to them, Because you have abandoned Him
and served foreign gods in your own country,——~therefore you shall serve tyrants in a country not your own. ‘ Communicate this to the House
of ]acob, and let it be reported to
‘Therefore a lion from the forest judah, saying :—·-—‘ Listen to this, you
shall wound them ! An evening wolf l stupid People,—·-who have no eyes in 406 IO II I2 16 I8 20 21