the strong in his strength,———let not the rich glory in their wealth, but if they boast, let them boast in under- standing and comprehending My wonders ;———for I, the EVER~L1V1NG, made mercy, justice, and righteous- ness, on ee.rth,——zmd I delight in says the EVER-LIVING. says the
when I will punish
desolate, without an inhabitant! Who is the wise man? He can fore- see this. And who has the message of the EvsR·L1v1NG within him? He can tell why the country is waste, scorched like a. desert, with none passing through! Then the Evmz»L1v1Nc; continued,
‘ It is because they have abandoned My laws that I placed before them, and have not listened to My voice, and have not walked according to it, but go after their own ideas, and after Balim, as their fathers taught Therefore thus says the Loan on I-losrs, the Gon of Israel, ‘ I will feed this People with afiiiction, and give them laudanum to drink, and will scatter them among the heathen whom they or their fathers have not known, and will send a sword after them to destroy! And the Loan or Hosts says,
‘ Reflect! and call for the wailers, and let them come; and send for Let them hasten, and raise over us a lament, and let our eyes pour tears, and our eyelids well out water! for a sound of wailing is heard from Zion! Are we not plundered,—-debased, deeply debased ; for the country rejects us,·-our homes cast us out! Listen, however, you women to the
message of the EVER·LIV1NG, and let your ears accept the words of His mouth, and teach your daughters to lament, and the wife of your neigh-
2o bour to wail, for death has mounted Z! 22 to our windows, has entered our palaces, to destroy the children in the streets,———the young men from the says the LQRD, ‘ Men shall fall like dung on the face Moab, and all the shaven cheeks who inhabit the desert ;-··—for all the heathen, and all the House of Israel are corrupt at»heart.’ 3 message in Zsrszl. Listen to the message that the 10 EvER—L1v1NG addresses to you, House of Israel. Thus says the EVER- 2 L1v1NG :-— Learn not the ways of the
heathen, and fear not the constella- tions of the skies, although the heathen fear them! For the fancies of the pagans are vain ;·——·only tim- ber from the forest, cut and formed by the hand of a carpenter with an axe! They are plated with silver and gold; fixed with nails and hammers, so that they may not totter! They are as stiff as a palm tree, and cannot speak; they are carried, for they cannot march ; they cannot foresee, for they perceive nothing, and there is no intellect in them ! They are not like You,-·—great
Even-Livms Cranston! For Your NAME is great in power! Who would not reverence YOU, King of Nations? whom You produced for Yourself,-—for in all the ideals of the heathen, and in all their governors, there is none like YoU. They are everyone stupid and silly; the result of fantastic thought! Plated with silver from Tharshish, and gold from Aufer;———the work of the carpenter and the hands of the smith. Clothed in blue and purple, all made by mechanics! But our Evniz-Livme Gon is Truth! He is the Gon or LIFE, and reigns for ever! At His anger the earth trembles, and the ` nations cannot resist His wrath ! He made the earth by His power,
He formed its orbit by His skill, and by His intelligence He constructed the skies. At His uttered voice the waters of the skies patter, the vapours arise from the horizon! He makes lightnings with the rain, and He brings the wind out of His treasury! ' How stupid men are not to learn I No*rE.——·Ch. ro, v. 1:. Therefore sa this to themThese od ; gs, who made neither heaven nor earth, shall pegjsh from below, andirotri under the_sk IO I2 It
This verse is in Chaldee, not Hebrew,
&om t e margin into the text b , _ y some scribe, cumcisd I M1tZ€1‘ » 3·¤dJudah. and I for it breaks {he sense. I, therefore, place it _ Edom, and all the Bem-Amon, and as a note at the page foot.——F. F, 50 I