Shall I go and seek for you a nursing woman of the Hebrews, so that she may nurse the lad for And the daughter of Pharoh replied
; so she went imme- diately and called the mother of the child; to whom Pharoh’s daughter 'I`ake this child and nurse it for me, and I will pay you the cost} Its mother therefore took the child and nursed it. ro When the lad grew up he was taken to the daughter of Pharoh as a son, and she called his name Mosheh,1 I drew him out of the EI]: Qrincz www thinks nf his lr fz jintinn. But it was long after this, when
Moses had become great, that he went out to his brothers, and ex— amined into their condition. Then he saw a Mitzerite strikea Hebrew, who was related to him. Then he turned this and that way, and not seeing anyone, he struck the Mitzerite, and concealed him in the sand. At another time when he was
inspecting, there were two men, Hebrews, quarrelling, so he said to Why doyou strike your neighbour Who appointed you as foreman and judge over us? Are yougoing to murder me as you murdered the Mitzerite ? ’ Then Moses was afraid and said to
That affair is known The matter was also reported to Pharoh who endeavoured to execute Moses. But Moses tied from the presence of Pharoh, and turned to the land of Midian, where he rested beside a well. ·—-RF. Quan mth the ¥rizst uf &Ii¤imt. 16 It happened that the Priest of
Midian had seven daughters, and these girls came to draw and fill the watering troughs to give drink to their father’s sheep. Then the shepherds came and drove them away, but Moses arose and prevented them and watered their sheep. So when they returned to Rauel, their How is that you have returned so quickly to—day P ’ A Mitzerite
protected us from the hand of the shepherds and also drew and gave water to our sheep} Then he replied to his daughters,
‘Where is he? Why have you left the man there? Invite him, and let him eat bread} Thus Moses began to stay with the
man, who gave Ziforah his daughter to him, and she bore a son, and he for,’ I am astrangerin a foreign 18 20 21 22 ,2\ fialu dgrani arises in Eggpi. A long time after these events, that
king of the Mitzeraim died. But the children of Israel were still oppressed in their servitude, and their cries from their slavery reached GOD. Gon therefore heard their groaning; and Gon remembered His covenant with Abraham, and with Isaac, and with jacob; therefore GOD looked upon the children of Israel ; and GOD revealed Himself. ®¤h’s iieirelaiiun in the `Qurning Qual;. Moses, however, was shepherding 3 the sheep of jethro his father-in·1aw, the priest of Midian, and he had led the sheep to the far side of the desert, and came to the mountain of GOD, in Horeb, where a Messenger of the 2 EvisR·1.iv1No appeared to him, in a flame of fire, in a bush. When he looked, he saw that the bush burnt with tire, yet the bush was not consumed! I will draw
near and examine this great wonder, But the LORD saw that he approached to examine it, so GOD called to him from the midst of Sinai, and said, and he answered, -·F. F. R'.!