the army ofiicers with him took the remainder of the people whom Ishmaekben-Nathaniah had captured at Mitzfah, after he murdered Gheda1iah·beu·Akhikam, the capable soldiers, and the women and children, and their attendants, whom he had captured at Gibeon, and went and retreated to the Caravanserai of Kimoham, near Bethlehem, with the object of marching to Mitzer, from the presence of the Kasdim. For they were afraid of them, because Ishmael- ben—Nethaniah had assassinated Ghedaliah-ben-Akhikam, whom the king of Babel had appointed over the country. izrzmialy uskzh in may {mr ®uihau:z.
ceeded with jokhanan-ben-Korakh, and Izaniah-ben-Hoshiah, and all the crowd, both little and great, and said Let us request you to lie down on your face, and pray to your Evna~Liv1No Gon on account of us,—-·—on account of this little fragment of the many your eyes have seen we once were, and let your Evan-1,1vme Gon inform us of the way we should go and the things we And jeremiah the Preacher
I have heard you. I will pray to your EvER—L1v1NG Gon as you command ;—··and whatever message the EVER-LIVING replies, I will report to you. I will not hold a word back from you. May the
Evmz—r.1v1No be a true and faithful witness against us, if we do not act in accordance with every word your Evan-uvxue Gon sends to us! We will do it l Whether the direction of our EVER-LIVING GOD is pleasant or unpleasant. Since we have sent you to Him we will obey,-·—so that it may benent us. We will indeed It happened at the end of ten days 7 that the command of the EVER- Lxvmc came to jeremiah, and he 8 summoned jokhanan - ben - Korakh, and all the officers of the forces who were with him, and all the crowd, from the children to the adults, and g Thus says the EVER- LXVING GOD of Israel, to whom you sent me to lay down your entreaty before Him, ‘ If you continue in this country, then I will build you up, and not throw down,·-—and plant you and not pull up,——-because I am grieved at the misery I have made for you. Fear nothing from the king of Babel, whom you fear,—-be not afraid about him} says the Evan-uvmo, ‘for I will be with you to secure you, and to deliver you from his hand, and show you mercy ;——and he will show you mercy, and restore you to your land.' But if you reply, ‘ We will not continue in this country, nor listen to the voice of GOD,’ and say, ‘ No! but we will go to the land of the Mitzeraim where we shall not see war, nor hear the voice of a trumpet, nor famish for bread, and we will settle there'; then, again, hear the message of the Evaa~1.1vm<;, Rem- nant of judahl Thus says the LORD or Hosrs, the Gon of Israel! If you turn your faces to go to Mitzer, and go as foreigners there, the sword youare afraid of will come there to hunt you in the land ofthe Mitzeraim, and the famine you dread will stick close after you there in the land of the Mitzeraim ;--and there you will die! Yes! All the men who set their faces to go to Mitzer, to lod e there, will die by the sword, tie famine and the plague, and shall not possess an escape or refuge from the miseries that I will bring upon them ! ‘ For thus says the Loma or Hosts,
the GOD of Israel! ‘As I poured out My anger and indignation upon the population of }erusalem, so I will pour My indignation upon you who are going to the Mitzeraim, and you shall become a curse, and a source of desolation, and degradation, and reproach and never A again see this place! ‘ The command ofthe EVER- LIVING to you, the Remnant of judah, is ‘ Go not to the Mitzeraiml ' Com- prehend what I have told you to-day! However you deluded your own souls 533 I0 II I2 16 18 20