Though I will destroy all the heathen To whom I have driven you away, But of you I will not make an end ; But only correct you with justice, And the guiltless I will not aiiiict. Gilyz %u1·hzu uf wyiliziiu. 47 The message of the EvER·1.1vmc; about the Philishtim, before Pharoh which came to }eremiah the Preacher, attacked Gaza. 2 Thus says the Evaxonxvmoz See! waters come from the north like the flood of a river, Sweep over the land, flood the town and its people! And men shriek°,—·and they yell,—-a1lwho dwell in the land. At the sound of the iierce—stamping steeds, at the rush of his chariots, At the roar of his wheels fathers take not the hands of their children, For the day comes to plunder the whole of Philistia, To cut off from Tzur and from Zidon all help that is left! For the Loan will destroy the Philishtim left on Kaphtor’s coast! On Gaza comes baldness ;—·and Ashkelon’s ruins are silent, How long did you scheme but to get yourself plundered? Alas! Sword of the Loeb! Will you never be quiet? Put yourself in your sheath! and be silent and mute! How can it be still when the LORD has to Askalon sent it? And sends to the shore of the sea? 48 Thus says the Loma Gon or Hosrs, the Gon of Israel-to Moab: IO lilly: Qurimr cf Musk. Woe to Nebo! for it is all ruined and outraged! Krithaim is captured and outraged, and Misgob is fired l The glory of Moab is not! they plot evil against her in Heslibonl ° Come! let us destroy her from being a nation! Follow Madmena with sword,-··-and reduce her to silence l ’ From Hcranim ring shrieks of plunder and crashing! Moab is broken! The shriek of her babes is resounding! For ascending to Lukoth in tears, they go along weeping, For they hear broken shrieks and distress in sweet Horanim’s vale! Fly! escape for your lives! and be like to the heath in the desert l You trusted your works, and your ltreasuries now all are taken, And Kemosh is carried away with his priests and his nobles. The plunderer comes on each town, and no city escapes him; He destroys in the vale,··-wastes the plain, as the LORD has commanded l Give Moab wings to fly off, for her cities are wasted! And they will become without any inhabitants in them! Curse on the Agent who does the LORD’S work remissly! And curse him who holds back his sword from the blood! ssl!