Jeremiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 540

The Books of the Prophets

48--40 ~ ]EREMIAH. 43 44 45 47 49-+-xg He shall Gy like an eagle, And swou down ou Moab whose citi es are captured, Then the geart of his heroes shall be like a woman in labour, And Moab shall cease among nations from flouting]1;movAH!' The Loma proclaims fear, pit, and trap on the people of Moab! Who flies from the face of the terror, the pit will engulf him! Who crawls hom the pit will be caught by the trap! has come! They stand in the shadow of Heshbon who Hy from the mighty, From Heshbou comes fxre, and {lame from near Sihoug And eats Moab’s cheek and the crown of the children of fury! Woe, to you Moab !—'I`he Nation of Kemosh has perished! For they take captive your sons, and make slaves of your daughters! the LORD says. S0 far is the judgment of Moab. @b2 Qurhzu nf ily: §zui·§m¤. 49 The LORD asks the Beni—Amon Has Israel no sons? has he no heir? Why then does their king possess Gad, and his force reside in his cities? Therefore be sure the times will come,'* says the LORD, ‘ when I will make a report be heard in Rabath of the Beni··Amon,·-··a noise of war,-—-and it shall become a ruinous waste, and her buildings shall be set on hre, and Israel shall seize those who plundered him} says the LORD. Howl for Heshbonl A deserted

ruin! Shriek, daughters of Rabath I Gird sacks on yourselves! Lament and run to the hedges, for your king goes to captivity,—his priests and nobles with him. Why do you glory in the valesl

Your flowery vales, you attractive girl, who trust in your charms with ‘Who will come to me?' I will says the from all around you, and you shall each be driven from its face, and with no collecting place for the wanderers.

6 But at last I will restore the cap- says the Loan. @12 ¥¤rb’¤ message in ®h¤m. The LORD OF HOSTS says this to Edom I`here is no longer wisdom in

Theman ;——counsel has perished from the wise sons of trade! Fly! Turn! dig pits to live in! you people of Dedan! For I will bring the terror of Esauiupon him at the time I punish. If grasshoppers came to you, would they leave no gleanings? If thieves by night,sthey plunder till full! I, however, have exhausted Esau; I have stripped his hidings, and he cannot conceal himself; his family is plundered, and his relatives, and his friends, and himself, are not! Leave your orphans to me ;—·——l will keep them alive ; and let your widows trust on me. For thus says the Evmz—1.1v1No : ‘ Those who were not condemned

to drink the cup have drunk! And shall you, a convict, not be punished? You shall drink! For I have sworn that Bozrah shall become a waste, a reproach, a ruin, a curse, and all her towns shall be a desert for ever ! ‘ I have heard a message from the

EVER-LIVING by a messenger to- the nations to collect, and they will come upon her, and rise to war. For I give you as a trifle to the nations, a con- tempt to men. Your terrors deceived your proud heart, you who dwell in caveson the crags, who stick to lofty hills ;e—if you nestle as high as the eagle, I will pull you from there} For Edom shall become a wonder. All who pass over her shall be astonished, and whistle at his many wounds. Like overwhelmed Sodam and says no man will dwell there, and no son of Adam remain to her! ' See he was like a lion coming up

from the swelling of jordan to the I will be sly he said, “I will assail from behind them,-what hero can defend them? for who is equal to 540 I0 II I2 16 :8

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0540

The History of the People of Israel