Jeremiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 543

The Books of the Prophets

50-18 · . 50—·45 ]EREMIAH. 33 34 35 37 39 thus says the LOR1> 0F THE I-Iosrs, Who is Isme1’s Gon, 18 ‘I will répay to Babel, its king and his land, as to Ashur I repaid I But bring Israel home to his pasture on Karmel and Bashan, And to Mount Ephraim and Gilad, and than I willisatisfy his soul, Isras1's faults shall be sought 20 but shall be not; N or ]udah's offences be found, because I have pnrdoned the sins they committed. 21 Advance to the land of revolt, with punishing sword to her people, and do all I decree. 22 War sounds in the land with her mighty destruction and breaking; _ Her hammer smashes the land, and Babel becomes but a wreck to the Nations! 23 Babel l I tried for and caught you, and you did not know or suspect Me; I found, and I also have caught, for you strove with ]EHOvAH ! The LORD’s storehouse was opened, He brought out his weapons of anger, For the GREAT LoRD 0F Hosts has a work in the land of the Kasdiml Come to her from far, break her stones, cast them out like a com heap l Dissipate all that she has, and let not a fragmentbe left her! Destroy all the bullocks she has, driving them down to the slaughter; Woe! for them! for their day has now come, the time of their anguish! Fly and escape from the country of Babel ! The LORD our GOD is avenging, avenging His Temple l Summon legions to Babel, all archers and bowmen to camp roundagainst her, Let none escapefrom her! Repay her her work,—~—all she did, do to her! For she insulted the LoRD,—·~the Most Holy of Israel ! And her warriors faint on that dayi says the GREAT LORD of Armies; ‘ For your day has arrived, and the time I chastize you. When your pride shall totter and fall, and without restoration, When I kindle your towns andconsume all around them t ' $¤¥¤¥1°5 ¤¤¤2¤¤¢f· Thus says the Loan OF HOs'£s: ‘The children of Israel and the

children of judah are both alike oppressed, and all who capture, hold them ;--they refuse to liberate. The name of their Redeemer is the Mighty LORD OF Hosts. He will plead their cause, to bring rest to the land ;i but will agitate Babel. A sword is over the Kasdim, says the LORD, and against the inhabitants of Babel, and against her Nobles and Philosophers I A sword is against her powerful, who will act foolishly. A sword is against her heroes, andthey shall be cowards, A sword is against her horses and chariots, and against all the mercena- ries within her, and they shall become like women. A sword is against her treasuries, and they shall be plundered. A drought is againsther rivers, and they shall be dried up; for it is a land of Idols, and they are mad for Images! l`herefore the howling beasts of habited for ages of ages! As Gon overwhelmed Sodom and Gomorah, says the no man shall dwell there, andino son of Adam lodge in Look! A People comes from th 26 28 North! and a great Nation; and many kings raise themselves from the sides of thefearthi They seize the 42 bow and quiver--they are fierce and pity not, with a voice like theroaring sea. They ride on disciplined horses like soldiers, to assail you, daughters of Babel. The king of Babel will 43 hear the report, and his hands fail, and anguish seize him likea ch-ilding woman. See him advance like a lion from

the flooding of the jordan to the per- I will assail from their rear! What hero can defend them? For who is equal to me? And who expects me, and what shepherd can stand before me 2 ’ the desert shall dwell there,-—and the oung of the ostrich, for it shall not

ye repeopled for ever, and notin- Therefore hear the purpose of the

Evaa·1.1v1NG, which He intends against Babel, and the plans He has planned against the land of the 45

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0543

The History of the People of Israel