Exodus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 55

The Five Books of Moses

EXODUS.— 4-——· 8 again from his bosom, and it returned IO II I2 16 18 20 21 like his other flesh. ‘ And it shall be if they will not

trust you, and not listen to your voice at the first evidence, yet they will trust to your voice after the second sign. But if they do not trust you even for this second evidence, and do not listen to your voice, then take some of the water from the river and pour it out on the dry land, and there the water which you have taken from the river shall become blood on the dry ground'. Moses, however, replied to the

But yet, Loan, I am not an eloquent men, I have not been so in the past, nor in this speaking be- tween You and Your servant, for I am slow of mouth and heavy of tongue. But the EvER—L1VING replied to

Who gave a. mouth to man? or who makes dumb, or deaf P or blind, or seeing P Is it not I, the Livme ONE ? So now go, and I will be with your mouth and show you what you shall-say. Indeed, my

LORD, send I pray You by some other Then the EVER-LIVING was angry

Have you not a brother, Aaron the Levite? I know that he can talk——and he is even now coming to seek you. See that you can go cheerfully with him, and speak to him, and put words into his mouth, for I will be with your mouth, and in his mouth, and will show you what you are to do, and he shall speak for you to the people. He shall be like a mouth for you, and you shall be to him in place of GOD. And that staff; —take it in your hand, for you shall perform wonders with it.’ Moses therefore went and returned

to jethro his father·in—1aw, and said I wish to go now and rejoin my relatives who are in Mitzeraim and ‘When jethro Go in peace} The EVER»L1v1NG afterwards said

Go! Return to the Mitzeraim, for all the men are dead who sought your life. T hen Moses took his wife, and his

sons, and mounted them upon asses and turned towards the land of the Mitzeraim. Moses also took the Rod of GOD in his hand. The I.1v1z~1o ONE also said further

During your journey to 5~·~ 1

the Mitzeraim, regard all the signs which I put unto your hand, and do them before Pharoh. But I shall harden his heart, and he will not let the People go. Then you shall say l`hus said the EVER- L1V1NG,~—-Israel is My eldest son, and I say to you, Allow My son to go to serve Him; and if you will not allow him, then I will slay your eldest son. But while he was upon the road at

a resting place, a Chieftain 1 met him and attempted to kill him ;. but Ziforah took a razor and cut off the foreskin of her son and threw it at You make a So he re- It xs a marriage circumcision. Now the Even-1.1vmo had said to

Go and seek Moses in the so he went and met him at the Mount of GOD, and kissed him. Then Moses related to Aaron all

the instructions of the EvER·L1V1NG which He had sent to him, and the whole of the miracles which He had commanded. Then Moses and Aaron proceeded and collected all the Magis- tracy of the children of Israel. And Aaron repeated all the matters which the EvER—L1V1NG had addressed to Moses, and produced evidences before the eyes of the People; and the people were convinced, and acknowledged that the Evnn·L1v1No had visited Israel, and that He had looked upon their sufferings ;——so they honoured and worshipped Him. Then Moses and Aaron went and 22 26 28 said toPharoh ;—··—‘ ‘Thus says theEVE R— I The Hebrewword used is T\1T'i*,_]ehovah,

in former ver- sions. I, however, use Chieftain, as the word was a title of honour, as much as our vocable for a Parliamentary Peer, and was used in the sense of Chief, as in Genesis, bthe Divine M ch. xviii., v. 35, y essen ers sent to Sodom,when they conversed with Agbraham. After the Giving of the Law it seems to have been almost entirely reserved as a title or synonym for the Supreme Being, Goo. It by its innate sense_,therefore Gon commanded (ch. ill., v. 14) The to distinguish Him from heathen imaginary deities, whom their deluded votaries believed could die, be mur- dered, or dethroned, and hence they were no basis for eternal Law or moral life. The reader thus can see the object of the name was to show the unchangingnature of the Laws of Morality as they originate from a Being of Eternal life.-F. F. EE

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0055

The History of the People of Israel