I`hus says the Misery Loan to the Beni—Amon, about their disgrace, and exclaim, A sword! A · naked sword to slaughter; sharpened to devour by lightning! in spite of your false visions, your lying divinations, hung on your necks,-·~when your day comes, at the end of your period of sin,——-you poor deadly wounded wretch! Put it in its sheath! Iwill punish you in the place where you were created,———in your native land, I will punish you. I will pour out
My anger upon you, I will breathe upon you,—-in the fire of My wrath, I will give you into the power of ruffians, skilful in destruction. You shall be devoured by iire,·—your blood be on your land, -you shall not be remembered, for I, the EvaR· LXVING, declare it l' dbz Mime: nf icrnsalzm. The command of the Evan-r.1v1Nc came again to me to ask: ‘Will you now, son of Adam,
judge the bloody city, and teach her all her depravities? And will you say, —Thus says the MIGHTY LORD, ‘Cityl You shed blood in your breast, to hasten on your destiny! And you make yourselves idols, to delile yourself ! You shall perish in the blood that you have shed ;-—~and be deiiled by the idols you have made! For you have contracted your days, and brought years upon yourself,—therefore I will make you
6 you! Look at your nobles, Israel! IO II daughter—in·law; and every one has debauched his sister, his father’s daughter in you. In you bribes are taken to shed blood. You take usury and exorbitant interest; and plunder your neighbour by extor- ’ says the Mxorrrv Loan. ‘Therefore see! I have struck
My hands against the plundering you have done; and at the blood- shed which exists amongst you !~···- How can your heart stand, or your hands be strong, at the time when I shall deal with you? I, the EVER- LIVING, have said, and will do it, that I would scatter you amongst the heathen, and disperse you in the countries, and eradicate your cor- ruptions from you, and make you vile to yourself in the sight of the heathen ;——then you will learn that I am the EVER-L1v1NG. The message of the EVER-Lxvmc again came to me to ask: Son of Adam! Are the House
of Israel dross to Me? They are all copper, and tin, and iron, and lead in a furnace,—·~they are the refuse of thus the Mxoutrv because you are all dross, I will pile you into the well of jerusalem, as silver, and copper, and iron, and lead and tin are piled into the well of a furnace, to blow the fire over to melt them. Thus I will pile you in My indignation and fury, and melt you! I will melt you thus, and blow on you with My fiery
anger, and dissolve you in the well. Like silver is melted in the well of the furnace;-so you shall be melted in that well,--—and learn that I, the EVER-LIVING, pour out My wrath upon you. 3zrar1’s Qirimez. Again the command of the EvER·- LIVING came to me to say : ‘ Son of Adam, say to her :——‘ It is
a. land not purified, nor rained upon, in the lowering day. Her Preacher.; conspire in her, like a roaring lion desiring to tear his prey. They de- vour wealth, they seize riches :»-they have increased the destitute among you. Her priests have violated My laws, and outraged My Sanctuary. They do not distinguish between the
by a vow; and each commits consecrated and the common; and depravity with his neighbour’s wife; do not separate between the pure and and everyone devises to detile his the unclean; and have veiled their 568 I2 16