cease, and your whoredorn from the land of the Mitzeraim in and you will not lift up your eyes to them, nor remember the Mitzeraim again. For thus says the MIGHTY LORD: I will give you to the power of
those you hate ;—-—whom your lust revolts from !~———and they shall deal with you in their hate, and seize all your earnings, and abandon you stripped and naked, and expose the shame of your prostitution, and vices, and whoredomsi This shall be done to you, because of your whoring with the heathen with whom you corrupted yourself for their idols. You went the way of your sister,·——so I will pass her cup to your hand! Thus says the MIGHTY LORD ‘You shall drink out of your sister’s cup. You shall be mocked and insulted! ridiculed and laughed at beyond endurance! You shall be Hlled with drunkenness and anguish, from the cup of ruin and desolation ! the cup of your sister Shomeronl Yes! You shall drink, and suck it, and chew the dregs,-··-and tear your the Mremrv Loan declares. thus the MIGHTY
because you have forgotten Me, and flung Me behind your back,——you shall bear your vices and f0rnications.’ Son of
Adam! will you judge Ahlah and Ahlibah? and remind them of their depravities? F or adultery and mur- der are in their hands,-——and they have committed adultery to their idols;-and their children which they bore to Me, they have passed them round to be eaten! They have also done this to Me ;-—they havedefiled My Sanctuary at the same time, and profaned My Sabbaths. For they have murdered their children to the idols, and on the same day come to My Sanctuary to dehle it! Nay! They have even done it in MY House! ‘ And in spite of all that, you have
sent for men to come from a distance, to whom you have sent a messenger,
punish them with the punishments of adulteresses, and with the punish— ments of murderesses,——for adultery and murder are on their hands. For,’ I will bring upon them a crowd, and deliver them to be hustled about, and plun- dered. Then the. mob will shower stones at them, and cut up with their swords ;··—kill their sons and daughters ;—and consume their houses with fire. I will thus expel their vices from the country,_ and warn all women not to practise their sins. They will in this way lay your vices 43 44 45 47 upon you, and you shall bear the sins of your idolatry, and learn that I am the EvER·L1v1NG. Elie §arnblz uf the }§tl¤t~—-32ri1salzxx:. The command of the EveR—r..1v1NG 24 again came to me in the ninth year, on the tenth of the tenth month, to say :—— Son of Adam, write the name of
this day,—··for uponrthis day’s date the king of Babel arrived at jerusalem. So compose a parable to the rebellious family, and say to them, ‘ Thus says the Mronrv Loran, Set on the pot! set it on! and pour water into it! Cut up for it every good cut,—the leg, and the shoulder,——fil1 it with the best bones! Take a fat sheep andalso pile the bones with it. Boil it well, and stew the bones in it. For thus says the Mio HTY Loki), VVoe to the Murderers’ city! Whose scum is in her! and whose scum cannot get out from her! Bring it out bit by hit, let no lump fall into her! for her blood is in her,—she poured it on the dry rock! she did not pour it on the earth to cover it with dust! She $70