Ezekiel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 572

The Books of the Prophets



g like other ¤aticms!’ Bc sure I will open the gates of Moab from the citics,——-from his frontier cities,——the pride of the country,-·-Beth·]eshi-

10 moth, Bal-peor, to Kiriatha.im,—-··to II I2 16 the sons of the East who assail the Be¤i—Amon, to whom I have given them as a possession, so that the Beni- Amon may not be remembered amongst the nations; and I will execute justice upon Moab ;——-when they will learn that I am the EVER- Elje @¤¤m nf ®h¤m. Thus says the MIGHTY LORD,

‘ Because Edom has been revengeful against the House of judah, and ravaged, and was spiteful to them, the MIGHTY LORD says I have extended My hand against Edom, and will out oti from Edom men and cattle, and make it a heap of ashes from Thiman, to Dardan,———they shall fall by the sword? ‘I will also lay My punishment

upon Edom by the hand of My People Israel, and they shall execute My anger and indignation upon lidom,——~and they shall experience My punishmentsf says the M1Gx»1TY LORD. Till]: @¤¤m uf gtllyilisiia. Thus says the Imoxuv LORD:

‘Because the Philishtim have been revengeful, and have revenged with a malicious spirit, and ravaged with the I will stretch out My hand against the Philishtim, and cut off the swords- men, and destroy the remnants on the shore ofthe sea, and inflict great punishments amongst them ;—when they will learn that I am the EVER- L1v1NG Who lay punishments upon @152 @¤¤m nf Mgr:. 26 It was in the eleventh year, on the first ofthe month, that the command of the EVER-LIVING came to me to say :-—— ‘Son of Adam! Because Tzur

said to jerusalem, *Hurrah! the gate of the nations is broken! Her ruin will turn wealth to me! Therefore the MIGHTY LORD says thus,——I am opposed to you, Tzur, and will bring many nations against you, like the rollers come up from the seal And they will wreck the 4 walls of Tzur, and raze her towers, and sweep the dust from her, and I will make her a dry rock. She shall become in the midst of the sea a place for spreading——-a place for nets in the midst of the sea,——for I have the MIGHTY LORD declared, ‘and she shall become plunder for the nations. And her daughters who are in the country shall be murdered by the sword,·—when she will learn that I am the Evan-L1v1Ne.’ The M1G1·1TY LORD says this: ‘I will bring Nebukhadnezzar, king of Babel from the north against Tzur ;—-—the king of kings, with horse and chariot, and cavalry, and the mass of a great force. Your daugh- ters in the country will be slain by the sword, and he will make a ram- part against you, and heap up an embankment, and raise approaches against you, and erect batteries against your towers and overthrow your towers with his pickaxes! ‘The dust from his troops of horses

shall cover you; ——~your wall will shake with the roar from his horse· men and waggons, and chariots, when they enter your gates, as they enter the breach of a city! He will tramp with the hoofs of his horses in all your streets,~·—he will slaughter your people with the sword,———and fling your fortifications to the ground! And they will plunder your wealth, and loot your treasures,-···—overturr1 your walls, and pull down your charming palaces, and lling your stones, and timbers, and dust into the deep seal And I will stop the sound of your songs, and the music of your harps shall be no longer heard! for l will make you a water· less rock;-—~you shall become a place to spread nets,—·»nor be rebuilt for for the MIGHTY LORD has spoken,theM1GHTYLORDdeclare<lit! Thus says the MIGHTY LORD to

Will not the islands tremble at the sound of your fall? at the groans of the slaughtered in your streets? and all the princes of the sea descend from their thrones, and strip off their broidered robes,—and clothe themselves with terror? sit on the ground, and lie down in silence and astonishment at you? Then they will raise a lamentation over you and say :—~· 572 IO II I2 I6

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0572

The History of the People of Israel