children of your people and say to them, ‘ When I bring a sword against a country, and take a man of that country to its borders, and appoint him as a watchman for them, and he sees the sword coming to the country, and he blows his trumpet, and arouses the People,—·whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, but the sword approaches and seizes him,—-·—his blood will be upon his own head. He heard the sound of the trumpet, and did not take warning,—his blood will be on himself, since he had been warned to protect his life. ‘ But if when the watchman saw the
sword advancing, he did not sound the trumpet, nor warned the people, and the sword came, and took a person from them, he will have been taken by his fault, and I will require his blood at the hand of the watchman. ‘And you, Son of Adam,——I have
appointed you as awatchman for the House of Israel :—-therefore listen to the command from My mouth, and warn them by it. If I say to the wicked that he shall die for hiswicked- ness, and you do not speak to warn the sinner from his wicked way, he will die by his sin,···~but I will seek his blood on your hand. But when you warn the wicked to turn from his way,-·and he does not turn from his c0urse,————he will die for his sin,—but you will have delivered your soul. ‘ So now, Son of Adam, speak to the
House of Israel, address them who say :— ‘ Because our sins and offences are upon, us, we waste away by them, ` and there is no revival l ‘ Say to them, ' By My life} says
the Mionrv Loan, ‘ Ido not delight in the death of the wicked ;-·-··but wish the wicked to turn from his course and be revived. Turn! Turn! from your bad course! Why will you kill yourselves, House of Israel P ' ‘ Therefore you, Son of Adam, tell
I`he righteousness of the good will not rescue him at the time when he sins ;·—··~and the wickedness of the wicked will not weigh against him when he turns from his wickedness: nor the righteous be able to live by ‘ it when he sins! When I tell the righteous that he
shall live, and he relies in that right- eousness, and does wrong, all his righteousness will not be remern· bered, but for the wrong he has done he will die by it. But when I tell the wicked he
shall die,———and he abandons his of- fences, and practises justice and right, if the wicked restores the pledge; returns the theft ;——follows the rules
of lifemceases to do wrong;~·-—~then he shall live, he shall not die. All the offences by which he had offended will not be remembered against him. He practises justice and right,—·——he will live. ‘But the children of your people
I`he path of the Atmioirrv is not straight! ' Your path, however, is not straight. By the righteous turning from his righteousness and practising evil, he then dies by it. And by the wicked turning from his wickedness, and practising justice and righteous- ness,·-·he is revived by them. Yet 580 II