Amos - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 616

The Books of the Prophets



‘ Yet the Amoritcs tall as the cedam, I formerly drove from their face. They were lofty and strong as the oaks, Yet their fruit I destroyed from above, And their roots from below. And from Mitzer's country I brought you, And marched forty years in the Waste, To conquer the Amorites’ land.

And Preachers I raised from your sons, And Nazarites from your young men; Sons of Israel did I not do so ?. ’ Asks the LORD! But you gave to your N azarites wine! Have forbidden your Preachers to preach! Oh! I am crushed underneath you, As a cart that is loaded with sheaves! But swiftuess shall fail to the swift, And the strong not prevail by his strength, And the brave shall not rescue his life, Nor the archer be able to stand, Nor the light-footed able to fly, y Nor the horseman escape with his life; But the b01d—hearted hero be stripped,—·· says the Loan. 2X marining in Zsruzl. Listen to the message which the

Lord commands to you,-·-Sons of Israel !——to all the families I brought up from the land of the Mitzeraim, when He said, ‘ I have only selected you out of all

the families of the earth, therefore I will punish all your faults upon yourselves. Can two walk together unless they

are in agreement? Does a lion roar in a forest when he has no prey? Does a tiger howl from his den unless he has game? Can a bird fall into a trap on the ground where there is not a snare set for it 2 Do they take a trap from the ground when it has caught no game? Can a trumpet be blown in a town and people not collect? If there is misfortune to a town, has not the EvER—L1v1NG produced it P However the Mzonrv Loma will

not produce an event without dis- closing His intention to His servants the prophets. The Lion has roared-—who should

not fear ?——'I`he MIGHTY LORD has commanded ,·—who would not preach ? Glihz §1·¤:1¤matimt against §l3¤mzr¤n. ‘ Proclaim on the mansions of Ashdod, And the Mansions of Mitzeraim’s land I Say ‘ Assemble on Shomeron’s Mountains, And survey the great riots within, And the outrages done in her breast l For they know not to practise the right} Says the Loup, 'They store up oppression and wrong, In their Halls! II. thus says BIBVMIGHTY jmrovan, A Robber shall close round the land,

And pull down your power from off you, And plunder your Halls} 6 I 6

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0616

The History of the People of Israel