Amos - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 620

The Books of the Prophets



And rise and toss like a swelling stream, Then sink like the river of Mitzcr? And in that day, says the MIGHTY LGRD, I will take away the Sun at its noon, And darken the earth in daylight; ro And change your Feasts to Mournings, And all your Songs into Wailings! And put sacks upon all your loins, And baldness on every head, And make it like grief for a. loved one, And its end be a bitter day! said the MIGHTY LORD, When a famine I send to the land! Not a rage for bread, or a water thirst, But for hearing the word of the LORD ! 12 When they will wander from sea to sea, And Hit from the West to the East, To seek the Word of the Loma, And shall not be able to find I In that day the beautiful girls And the youths shall faint. with thirst, Those who swear by Shomeron’s Sins, And assert ‘ By the Life of Dan’s God I ‘ And ‘ the Life of the One of Barshebaf Shall fall, and shall rise never more. 3 Eizimt nf mn:. 9 I saw the Prince standing upon the Altar and he said: ‘ Strike the tops of the columns, And then the bases will shake! And smash all their tops, When I will destroy with a sword, And none of them shall escape, Nor to a refuge shall fly. And if they dig down to the Grave-- Then My hand can take them from there! Or if they mount up to the skies, From there I can bring them all down. And if they should hide upon Karmel, I will search and will catch them there. If they hide from my eyes in the South, To the depths of the sea I will go! And will order a serpent to sting! Or, if their foes take them as captives, Even there I can make the sword slay I Mine eyes will look on them for evil, And never for good l ’ For the MIGHTY Loan or Hosrs Will touch the land and melt, And all its dwellers waste; And rising like a torrent Will derwhelm like Mitzer’s stream. He built the Heavens, His Chambers, And formed the vault o’er earth; He called the Sea of Waters, And spread them over the land; And His Name is the LIFE! 620
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0620

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