Obadiah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 623

The Books of the Prophets

1~···-I7 OBADIAH. ‘ But Mount Zion will be a safe refuge, b' ]acos House shall possess it in peace. ' Then ]a.cobs House shall be the {ire, ’ And ]osephsHouse shall be the flame, ’ But Esaus House shall be like stubble , Which they shall ignite, and consume! ’ And of Esaus House none be remaining, A_s the LORD has decreed ! ‘ Then the Southems shall hold Esau’s hills, And his lowlands Philistia will seize; Ad Ehi npram will capture his valleys , With the fields that belong to Shomeron, A nd Benjamin conquer Gilad ! ' And Israe1s sons seize the plain Which Canaan holds up to Zarephth And l Ierusaem capture in Sefrad , And possess all the towns of the South ;—— And Guardians shall come from Mount Zion, T o govern upon Esau’s hi1l ,—— But the kingship shall be for the I..0RD! END OF THE Boox OF rm; PROPHET UBADIA1-1. 62 3


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Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0623

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