LIVING came to jonah the second time to say :—-· ‘A1;isel Go to Ninevah, the Great
City, and preach in it the sermon that I command you! ’ ]onah consequently arose and went
to Ninevah, as the Eva1z·—L1v1No com» manded,-——and Ninevah was a Great City to GOD, three days' journey across. When ]onah had begun to enter the City, he travelled a three Four days hence ,Ninevah will be over- thrownl'[ And the people of Nine- vah trusted GOD, and proclaimed a fast, and clothed in sacking from the greatest to the least. The matter was also reported to the King of Ninevah, and he arose from his throne, and stripped off his robes and clothed himself in sacking, and sat in the dust. And it was proclaimed, and commanded by a decree of the King Let Men, and cattle of the fold, and sheep, not taste of anything, either food or water to drink. But let men and cattle be clothed in sacking, and cry earnestly to GOD; and let everyone turn from his peculiar sin, and from the wrong that is in his hands. Who knows but that GOD will turn and have pity, and restrain His anger, and not destroy? GOD saw their acts, how they
turned from their bad course, so GOD showed mercy instead of the punishment which He had warned would be inflicted upon them, and did it not! But jonah was vexed with great
vexation, and furious at it. So he prayed. to the Evan-Ltvmo, and Now, LORD! is not this what I said whilstl was still in my own country? Consequently I deter- mined to fly to Tharshishl For I knew that You were kind and merciful, very forbearing, and full of pity toward the sinful. So now, LORD, take my life from me! For it is better for me to die than live. But the EvER—L1v1NG answered
What does it benefit you to be enraged? ’ Then jonah went out of the City,
and sat opposite the east of the town, and made a hut there for himself, and sat under its shade, so that he might watch to see what the EVER-LIVING would do to the town. But the EvBR—1.1v1NG had pre—
pared a Gourd, and it grew over the hut of ]onah, and became a shade over its top to protect him from his passions; and jonah was glad of the Gourd,~with a great gladness. GOD, 625 I0