2--12I cry.MIKAH.3--12Rzsiuruiiun pmmiszh.I will gather the whole of you, jacob I--Will join Israe1’s fragments in one,Will collect as the sheep are in Bozmh,As a. Bock in its fold make the murmur of men IThe Opener shall go up before them,Unloose, and they pass thro' the Gate,They shall pass with their Leader before them;And the LORD at their head !Eb: Qpruziiczs uf Qillnixm bzncunczb.Listen, now, Chiefs of jacob!And you, rulers of Israel’s House,Why have you no knowledge or judgment ?Hating the Good, but in love with the Bad,You tear their skin from them, and iiesh from their bones!You devour the Hesh of my People!Stripping their skin, and then crushing their bones;And chop up as they do for the pot ;And like fiesh to be mixed in a stew!When such cry tothe LORD, He will never reply,But then hide His presence from them,When their wickedness comes on themselves.GLI32 @u¤m uf 3mp¤zi¤r¤.Thus says the LORD to the Preachers,Who swindle my People by gnashing their teeth,And make ready to fight those who fill not their mouths!But you shallhave night, and be sightless,Have darkness,———but never divine!And the sun shall go down on such Prophets,And blackness spread over their day!And the Seers be ashamed ;The Diviners shall blush;And all of them cover their lips;For they have no message from GOD.But I am full of the spirit and power of the LoRD,And judgment and strength to tell jacob his sin,And to Israel tell of his crimes!Chiefs of ]acob’s House! listen to this;And the Guides who hate justice, in Israel's Home,The oppressors of all who do right!Who build Zion with blood, and jerusalem vice,Whose judges decree for a bribe lWhose Priests only teach for their pay lWhose Prophets for money divine!Yet who lean on jehovah, and say,‘ The LGRD l is He not in our midst?No suffering can come upon us!Yet Zion, for you, will be ploughed like a field!And jerusalem turned like the clods,And the Hill of Tms HOUSE be knoll in a wood l029I2I0III2