Gil]: glizlus uf ¥2K£2.See! on the Mountains the feet of the herald,Who publishes Peace!Feast, judahi feast! Pay your vows,For no more shall the lawless pass through you!For all are destroyed !The Breaker is gone from your face lGuard the Fortress and watch on the road,Strengthen your loins, and brace up your strength,For the LORD has restored ]acob’s pride,And Israel’s splendour lThough the ravagers threw down and cut up their vine!The shields of his heroes are red,His Mighty Commanders in scarlet,His chariots flash fire in the day of review,And they brandish their spears!The chariots rush on in the streets,They charge in the Squares like the flames,And like lightning they leap.He calls to his Generals who halt in their march.-—‘ Haste on to the wall and prepare for defence:But the River Gate bursts and the Fortress dissolves!Thus her course was decreed to arrive ;When her maidens should mourn with the voice of a dove,And go beating their breasts.For long Ninevah was a calm pool ; but yet none will turn back !Plunder silver! rob gold!For her store never ends,Of the wealth of all things one desires!Make her empty, abandoned, andwaste ;Her heart melts, and her knees strike together;For anguish takes hold of all loins,And the faces of all become pale!Where is the Den of their Lions?And the feeding ground of their young Tigers?Where the lion and lioness walked,And the Lion’s whelp went without fear PWhere the lion tore limbs for his cubs,And enough for his she-lions slew,And filled all his caverns with prey,And with plunder his Deus? says ]EHOvAH!0F HOSTS,‘ And will burn up your chariots in smoke;And the Sword shall devour your tigers,And cut off your prey from the earth,Who no more hears the voice of your hounds!£.in2iml;’¤ ®rim2¤ Qrzzrihrli.Woe to the whole City of Murders !Full of rapine and lies,Andthat never would easeifrornher p1‘€y,Or the noise of the whip and the roaring of wheels,The prancing of horses, the chariots’ rush,And the cava1ry’s charge(136