‘As I decided to punish you, and says and did not spare ; so I will reverse Myinteution in the present time, and beneiit jerusalern, and the House of judali need not fear. These are the rules that you must practise. Speak truth each to his neighbour. Practise Truth, justice, and Peace, in your gates, and do not devise wrong every- one against his neighbour in your hearts,——and love no false oath. For says the EVER-Livmo. 16 2X $1·¤xnisz in guhaly, smh iis flinuhitiuns. The commandpf the LORD OF Hosts 18 came again to me to say ;· Thus says the LORD or Hosirs, rg ‘ The Fast of the fourth and the Fast of the fifth,-——and the Fast of the tenth,—shail become to the House of judah a joy and delight, and cheerful lieasts, when they love Truth and Thus. said the Loan or Hosrs,
‘ Nations will come, and many Cities turn, and Populations will go to another and say, ‘Let us march and pray in the Presence of the liviau- L1v1Nc, and enquire of the LORD or Hos·rs,—I myself will go.’ For many Peoples, and powerful Nations, will seek the Loan or Hosts at jerusalem, and pray in the Presence of the EVER- Thus said the LORD OF Hosts: In those times ten men of various
languages of the Heathen will en- courage themselves, and seize the hand of a jew, and say, ‘We will go with you,·—~·for we hear that GOD is 9 Wye ‘§urheu uf the Message uf the ifturh tu the Qiuxmirig near @iuzuxsk. Let it rest; For the LORn·’s eyes are over Mankind, And on all the Tribes of Israel; And also Hainath and her district; And on Tzur, and on Zidon, Though she had great skill. For Tzur built 2. fort for herself, And heaped up the silver like dust, And line gold like mud in the streets. ‘ But look! the LORD will seize her, Will strike her power on the sea; And fire will consume her! Ashkalon also will see and will fear, And Gaza, and Akron iu anguish, 6 52 20 2I 22