Zakariah - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 655

The Books of the Prophets

ZAKARIAH. 13--5 11--14 Hcuse of the- Evan-LIVING at the Treasury! in two, to break the other Treaty with

r 5 judah and Isi·ae1.—The EvER·Lxv1NG, Take for

yourself again the requisites ofa simple

16 shepherd,-—·for be sure I will now raise up a destructive Shepherd, who will not visit the young, nor seek the wounded, nor care for the sick, nor provide fodder ;·-—but will eat the iiesh of the fat, and break their 17 Woe to that worthless Shepherd who forgets the Hook! The Sword shall assail his right arm and eye; his arm shall wither; and his right eye be totally blind! Eb: §izrhzn uf the Zark in israel. 12 The Evmz-1.1vmc·, Who extended the heavens, and founded the earth, and formed the spirit of man in his

Lookl—-··I will make jerusalem a cup of staggering to all the Peoples ; and they will be also against judah when besieging jerusalem. Yes! at that time I will make jeru- salem a heavy stone for all the Peoples, whoever carries it will be totally crushed ;—·—yet all the Heathen of the earth will collect against it. says the Evan-

I will strike every horse with madness, and his rider with frenzy; and will open My eyes upon the House of judah, but will strike all the horsemen of the Nations blind. Then the Chieftains of judah I`he people of jerusalem are my strength, through the Loan or Hosrs their GOD.’ At that time I will make the

Chieftains of juclah like a iire··grate to wood, and like a torch of tire to sheaves, and they shall consume on the right and left the whole of the Peoples around ; and jerusalem shall again reside under herself, in jerusalem. But the Evaxmivmo will first

rescue the Tents of judah, so that the House of David may not exalt its beauty, and the beautiful site of jerusalem, above judah. The Evan- Livmo will at the same time defend the population of jerusalem, and their feeble shall become at that David shall become like a Dxvimt- Pownk; like a Messenger of the Evmz-mvmc before them. And at 9 that time I will seek to destroy all the Heathen, who come against jeru- salem, and I will pour out upon the ro House of David, and upon the popu- lation of jerusalem the spirit of kind- ness and compassion, and they shall look upon HIM! Whom they pierced, and mourn over Him, as if mourning over a loved one; and grieve over Him, as over the first-born! There shallthen be a great mourn-

ing in jerusalem, like the mourning at Hadad—rimon, in the vale of Megi— don, and the oountry will mourn, family by family alone; the House of David alone; the family of Beth- nathan alone; and their wives alone! The family of the House of Levi alone; and their wives alone; the family of Shimai alone; and their wives alone! all the families of the rest, family by family, alone; and their wives alone I II I2

Ghz 3¤mxtnixt for Glzuuzing from Sim At that time a fountain will be 13 opened for the House of David, and for the people of jerusalem, for sin says I will destroy the names of their Idols from the country, and they shall no longer be remembered ; and I will remove their Preachers, and their foul spirit from the country.—··And then whenever a person preaches, his father, and his mother who bore him will say, ‘ You shall not live. For you utter lies in the name of the Evan-Lrvrnol And his father, and the mother who bore him, will stab him, when he attempts to preach ‘And at that time the Preachers

will be ashamed, every one of his visions, when he preaches, and will not wear mantles of hair for the sake of deception, but will say, ‘I am not a Prophet. I am —·-

On Me-Whom they Both letters in the Hebrew and So that it is dlmcult to decide which ls absolutely the correct one, as the slightest stroke of a pen transforms one into the other. In a theological sense both might be right. time like David; and the House of I F. F. (#55

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0655

The History of the People of Israel